Manuscript Index - Location/Shelfmark Order
This is an index of manuscripts, sorted by manuscript shelfmark and grouped by location (library, museum, etc. holding the manuscript). The alphabet band at the left edge allows you to jump to the first location sorted under the letter you click.
Aberdeen University Library (University of Aberdeen), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK | |
Univ. Lib. MS 24 | Aberdeen Bestiary [Bestiary, England, c 1200] |
Archivio dell'Abbazia, Montecassino (Abbazia di Montecassino), Cassino, Italy | |
MS 132 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, ca. 1022-1032] |
MS 323 | Miscellany, France, 9th century |
Arnamagnæanske Institut (University of Copenhagen), Copenhagen, Denmark | |
AM 673 a 4º | Icelandic Physiologus [Bestiary, Iceland (Westfjord districts), c. 1200] |
Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, Portugal | |
MS. 90 | Lorvao Aviary [Miscellany, Portugal (Abbey of St. Mamede of Lorvao), ca. 1184] |
Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany | |
Cod. Aug. perg. 96 | De universo libri I-XI [Encyclopedia, 9th-10th century] |
Balliol College Library (Balliol College), Oxford, United Kingdom | |
Ms 294 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Late 14th century] |
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany | |
Cgm 38 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Germany?, 2nd half 14th century] |
Cgm 3974 | Miscellany, 1440-1466 |
Cgm 8414 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, after 1400] |
Clm 249 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 536 | Liber de imagine mundi / Physiologus [Miscellany, 1143-1147] |
Clm 2655 | Liber de naturis rerum visibilium / Physiologus [Encyclopedia, late 13th century] |
Clm 3206 | De naturis rerum / Physiologus [Miscellany, Diözese Passau (?), Early 14th century] |
Clm 3221 | Miscellany, Asbach (?), 13th-14th century |
Clm 5613 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 5921 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 6908 | Liber de natura rerum / Fürstenfelder Physiologus [Miscellany, 14th century] |
Clm 9600 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Clm 9649 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 11315 | Miscellany, South Germany, 1st half 13th century |
Clm 14216 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 14348 | Liber de imagine mundi / Physiologus [Miscellany, St. Emmeram (?), 1200-1225] |
Clm 14388 | Miscellany, Bavaria/Germany, 9th century |
Clm 14496 | Miscellany, 15th-16th century |
Clm 14544 | Miscellany, St. Emmeram, 147-1473 |
Clm 14586 | Miscellany, St. Emmeram, 1469-1475 |
Clm 14634 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 14640 | Miscellany, Hebertsfelden (Lower Bavaria), ca. 1444-45 |
Clm 14693 | Miscellany, Regensburg (St. Emmeram?), ca. 1100 |
Clm 15407 | Miscellany, South Germany, 14th century |
Clm 16073 | Miscellany, France, 1100-1150 |
Clm 16189 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 17195 | Miscellany, c. 1200 |
Clm 18368 | Miscellany, South Germany, ca. 1385 |
Clm 19037 | Miscellany, 1477 |
Clm 19417 | Miscellany, 9th century |
Clm 19648 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Clm 23787 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Cod. germ. 5249/79 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Miscellany, 4th quarter 13th century] |
Cod.graec. 551 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Gall.16 | Psalter of Isabelle of France [Psalter, England (York), 1303-1308] |
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Yale University), New Haven, Connecticut, USA | |
Marston MS 119 | Miscellany, Northern Italy, 13th century, 2nd half |
Marston MS 259 | L'Acerba [Encyclopedia, Italy, 1400-1450] |
Marston MS 74 | Historia Hierosolymitana [Jacques de Vitry, Southern Germany or Austria, 1450-1500] |
MS 013 | Moralitates de avibus, piscibus & lapidibus [Aviary, Italy, 14th century, 2nd half] |
MS 77 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, Germany, 15 century, 2nd half] |
MS 189 | Moralitates de avibus [Aviary, England, Late 12th century] |
MS 385 | Miscellany, Germany or Bohemia, Mid 15th century |
MS 395 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, England, 13th-14th century] |
MS 404 | Rothschild Canticles [Miscellany, Flander of the Rhineland, ca. 1300] |
MS 611 | Aesop's Fables [Single-author, Italy, 1450-1500] |
MS 851 | Miscellany, France or England, 13th century, 2nd half |
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy | |
A 45 sup. | Miscellany, 13th century |
B 39 sup. | Miscellany, 1451-1550 |
C 255 inf. | Miscellany, Italy, 1551-1600 |
E 16 sup. | Greek Physiologus [Miscellany, 14th century] |
E 24 inf. | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Italy, ca. 1389] |
I 78 sup. | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, 14th century] |
Suppl. 143 sup. | Miscellany, 16th century |
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican), Vatican City, Vatican | |
Barb. gr. 438 | Greek Physiologus [Miscellany] |
Chig. M.VI.137 | Bestiary, early 14th century |
Chig. R.IV.11 | MIscellany, Late 13th - early 14th century |
Ferr.921 | Physica [Miscellany, 15th century] |
Ott. gr. 354 | Greek Physiologus [Bestiary, 17th century] |
Pal. gr. 367 | Miscellany, End 13th - start 14th century |
Pal. lat. 291 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, South Germany (Heidelberg?], 1425] |
Pal. lat. 1064 | De avibus / Physiologus [Hugh of Fouilloy, Germany, 13th Century] |
Pal. lat. 1066 | Liber de natura rerum [Miscellany, Bayern, Germany, 1424] |
Pal. lat. 1074 | Miscellany, France (?), 10th-11th century |
Pal. lat. 1326 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France (Paris?), ca. 1346] |
Reg. lat. 258 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Reg. lat. 391 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 1350-1399] |
Reg. lat. 1323 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais [Bestiary, France, 1475] |
Reg. lat. 1682 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 13th century] |
Vat. gr. 695 | Miscellany, 14th-15th century |
Vat. gr. 1871 | Miscellany, Italy, 12th century |
Vat. lat. 290 | Miscellany, 14th-15th century |
Vat. lat. 2770 | Liber de naturis animalium [Miscellany, Italy, 14th century] |
Vat. sir. 217 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Vat. sir. 555 | Miscellany, Early 16th century |
Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, Italy | |
MS 1279 | Miscellany, Italy, 14th century |
MS 1700 | Miscellany, 14th-16th century |
Biblioteca Cathariniana (Diocese of Pisa ), Pisa, Italy | |
Ms. 55 | Miscellany, 1191-1210 |
Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai e Archivi storici, Bergamo, Italy | |
MA 97 | Miscellany, Bergamo, 1301-1350 |
Biblioteca Civica di Padova (Comune di Padova), Padova, Italy | |
C.R.M.248 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Biblioteca comunale Forteguerriana, Pistoia, Italy | |
A.33 | Miscellany, Italy, 1402 |
Biblioteca comunale Teresiana (Comune di Mantova), Mantova, Italy | |
MS 398 | Miscellany, Italy, ca. 1441 |
Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain | |
MS 87 | Miscellany, 1501-1550 |
MS 310 | Miscellany, Early 15th century |
Biblioteca del Sacro Convento (Fondo Antico presso) (Sacro Convento di San Francesco), Assisi, Italy | |
Ms. 568 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Italy | |
Ashb.123 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Italy, Early 14th century] |
Ashb.649 | Tuscan Bestiary [Miscellany, 15th century] |
Ashb.1323 | Physica [Hildegard von Bingen, Rhineland, 13th - 14th century] |
Plut.31.sin.1 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Plut.40.52 | L'Acerba etas [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Plut.76.79 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Italy, 14th century] |
Plut.82.3 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
Plut.84.18 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, 1291-1300] |
Plut.90 inf.47 | Miscellany, 14th-15th century |
San Marco 650 | Miscellany, San Marco Convent, Florence, 12th century |
San Marco 668 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, Spain | |
Mss/930 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Mss/3316 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Mss/12370 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Mss/12803 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th Century] |
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal | |
ALC. 446 | Isidoro de Sevilha Etymologiae [Miscellany, Spain, 13th century] |
Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan, Italy | |
AC.X.10 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, 14th century] |
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Firenze, Italy | |
Cod. Magliabechiano II.8.33 | Fiore di virtù / Italian Bestiary [Miscellany, 14th-15th century] |
Cod. Magliabechiano XXI.4.135 | Miscellany |
Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, Napoli, Italy | |
XII.E.11 | Fiore di virtù [Guidotto da Bologna, 1482] |
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, Italy | |
gr. IV. 35 | Greek Physiologus [Bestiary, 16th century] |
gr. XI. 24 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, Turin, Italy | |
L. III. 22 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, End of 13th century] |
MSS 1.1.24-1.1.25 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1410] |
Biblioteca Palatina di Parma, Parma, Italy | |
MS Parmense 1278 (H. H. 1.62) | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Venice, early 15th century] |
Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence, Italy | |
Cod. 1357 P. III. 4 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Cod. 2183 | Miscellany, Early 14th century |
Cod. 2260 R.IV 4 | Bestiary, 14th century |
Cod. 2281 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Ricc.381 | Miscellany, Late 14th century |
Ricc.630 | Miscellany, Italy, 1351-1400 |
Biblioteca Statale di Cremona, Cremona, Italy | |
Governativo. Manoscritti, ms.199 | Miscellany, Italy, Late 13th - early 14th century |
Biblioteca Universitària de Granada (Universitaria de Granada), Grenada, Spain | |
C-67 | Liber de natura rerum / Tacuinum sanitatis [Miscellany, 15th century] |
Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna (Universitaria di Bologna), Bologna, Italy | |
106 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
Biblioteca Universitària de Barcelona (Biblioteca Universiària de Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain | |
MS 75 | Miscellany, 15th century |
MS 82 | Miscellany, 16th century (?) |
Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome, Italy | |
ms. F 49/1-2 | Miscellany, 1445-1465 |
ms. F 68 | Miscellany, 13-16th century |
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wroclawiu (Uniwersytecka we Wroclawiu), Wroclav, Poland | |
I F 526 | De avibus / Physiologus [Miscellany, Silesia, 1401-1450] |
I O 138 | Miscellany, 1450-1500 |
IV F 13 | Miscellany, Silesia, ca. 1424 |
Mil. II 112 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 1392] |
Mil. VIII 3 | Miscellany, 15th century |
R 174 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Bibliothek Benediktinerstift St. Paul (Benediktinerstift St. Paul), Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Austria | |
Codex S. Pauli in Carinthia 371/4 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter, Salzburg, Austria | |
Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis b III 22 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis b V 36 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Bibliothèque d'Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer (Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer), Saint-Omer, France | |
Ms. 115 | Miscellany, Notre-Dame Abbey (Clairmarais), 1175-1199 |
Ms. 344 | Miscellany, Abbey of Saint-Bertin (Saint-Omer), 15th century |
Bibliothèque d’Amiens Métropole (Bibliothèque Louis Aragon) (Bibliothèques d’Amiens), Amiens, France | |
Ms. 399 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Paris?), 1447] |
Bibliothèque de Genève, Genava, Switzerland | |
Comites latentes, 179 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Late 13th to early 14th century] |
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), Paris, France | |
Ms-394 | Miscellany |
Ms-696 | Tractatus de proprietatibus rerum fratris Bertholomei Anglici [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century (ca 1321)] |
Ms-726 | Liber de proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14t century] |
Ms-1031 | Liber medicinae ex animalibus / Herbals [Herbal, France?, 14th century] |
Ms-2361 | L'Image du monde [Miscellany, France?, 13th century] |
Ms-2691 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 15th century] |
Ms-2886 | livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 15th century] |
Ms-3142 | Miscellany, France?, End of 13th century |
Ms-3167 | L'image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
Ms-3168 | L'image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
Ms-3516 | L'Image du monde / Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais [Miscellany, France, 13th century] |
Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne (Sorbonne Université), Paris, France | |
MS 123 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Paris, Mid 14th century] |
Bibliothèque du Château de Chantilly (Musée Condé) (Musée Condé), Chantilly, France | |
Ms 339 | Le livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
Ms 476 | L'Image du monde [Miscellany, France?, Late 13th century] |
Ms 477 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France (north?), 13th century] |
Ms 478 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France (north), Late 13th - early 14th century] |
Ms 724 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, France/Flanders, ca. 1444-1471] |
Bibliothèque francophone multimédia de Limoges (Ville de Limoges), Limoges, France | |
Ms. 15 | Traité des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 16th century] |
Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris, France | |
Ms 740 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Ms 742 | Miscellany, St. Victor, 13th century |
Ms 1029 | Miscellany, France (Abbaye Notre-Dame du Val), 13th century |
Ms 3577 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 1321] |
Ms 3578 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
Ms 3579 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 15th century] |
Bibliothèque Multimédia Intercommunale d'Epinal (Communauté d'Agglomération d'Épinal), Épinal, France | |
MS 209 | Miscellany, 1150-1250 |
Bibliothèque Municipale d'Angers, Angers, France | |
Res. Ms. 31 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Arras, Arras, France | |
Ms. 84 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Northern France, early 14th century] |
Ms. 139 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, 1278] |
Ms. 506 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 1150-1199] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Autun (Bussy-Rabutin), Autun, France | |
S 36 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, end of 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Avignon (Ville de Avignon), Avignon, France | |
Ms 1084 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France | |
Ms 414 | Tractatus de proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
Ms 995 | Miscellany, France (Bordeaux?), 2nd half 13th century |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Bourges, Bourges, France | |
MS. 121 | De avibus [Miscellany, France, Mid 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Cambrai, Cambrai, France | |
MS 259 | Cambrai Aviary [Aviary, North France, last quarter 13th century] |
MS 370 | Cambrai Bestiary [Miscellany, France, 13th century] |
MS 945 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Chalon-sur-Saône, Chalon-sur-Saône, France | |
MS 14 | Bestiary, France, ca. 1240 |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Chambéry (Ville de Chambéry), Chambéry, France | |
MS 30 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Charleville-Mézières (Médiathèque Voyelles), Charleville, France | |
MS. 166B | Miscellany, France, Late 13th century |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Chartres, Chartres, France | |
BM, MS 63 | Bestiary, 10th-11th century |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Clermond-Ferrand (Clermont Auvergne Métropole), Clermond-Ferrand, France | |
MS 172 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, ca 1321] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Dijon, Dijon, France | |
Ms. 225 | Miscellany, 1175-1199 |
Ms. 357 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
Ms. 358 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
Ms. 360 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France, 1300-1350] |
Ms. 526 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, Early 14th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Douai, Douai, France | |
Ms. 370 | Miscellany, France, end 12th century |
Ms. 711 | De Natura animalium [Bestiary, France (Cambrai), 1270-1275] |
Ms. 796 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, 14th-15th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, Lyon, France | |
MS P.A. 78 | L'Image du monde / Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 13th century] |
MS. 125 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Marseille, Marseille, France | |
MS 728 | de proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, Late 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Metz (Ville de Metz), Metz, France | |
Ms. 272 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Metz, 15th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Nîmes, Nîmes, France | |
82 | Bestiary |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Reims, Reims, France | |
Ms. 441 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, France, 12th century] |
Ms. 442 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, France, 15th century] |
Ms. 992 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
Ms. 993 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, 1372-1410] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Toulouse (Étude et Patrimoine) (Toulouse), Toulouse, France | |
Ms 225 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14t century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Tours, Tours, France | |
MS 312 | Miscellany, 1416 |
MS 703 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France, ca 1480-1490] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France | |
MS 101 | De avibus / Physiologus [Bestiary, France, ca. 1240] |
MS 320 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, France (Abbaye de Saint-Amand), 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Municipale de Vitry-le-François, Vitry-le-François, France | |
Ms. 23 | Hugonis de Folieto opéra [Miscellany, 13th century] |
Ms. 63 | Hugonis de Folieto opéra [Miscellany, 13th century] |
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France | |
Arabe 68 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Arabe 258 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Coislin 344 | Miscellany, 15th-16th century |
Ethiopian d'abbadie 247 | Miscellany, Ethiopia |
Éthiopien 146 | Miscellany, 17th century |
fr. 134 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Flanders (Bruges), 1467-1475] |
fr. 135 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Le Mans), 1445-1450] |
fr. 136 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Le Mans), 1445-1450] |
fr. 216 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, about 1400] |
fr. 217 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
fr. 218 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Poitiers, France, ca. 1485] |
fr. 219-220 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
fr. 221 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
fr. 371 | Le Roman de Renart [Fables, France (Paris), 13th century] |
fr. 412 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Northern France, ca. 1285] |
fr. 574 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1320] |
fr. 616 | Livre de la chasse [Gaston Phoebus, France (Paris), early 15th century] |
fr. 834 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, short version [Miscellany, France, 14th century] |
fr. 902 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 14th century] |
fr. 944 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, short version [Miscellany, France, 15th century] |
fr. 1115 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 1495] |
fr. 1444 | L'Image du monde / Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc / Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, end of 13th century] |
fr. 1553 | L'Image du monde [Miscellany, France?, 13th century] |
fr. 1579 | Li Romanz de Renart [Fables, France, 13th century] |
fr. 1580 | Le Roman de Renart [Fables, Paris, 1310-1315] |
fr. 1607 | L'image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, End of 14th century] |
fr. 1608 | L'image du monde [Miscellany, France?, 14th century] |
fr. 1609 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
fr. 1951 | Bestiaire d'amour rimé [Bestiary, France (Paris), 13th-14th century] |
fr. 2003 | La Nature des faulcons [Aviary, France, 15th century] |
fr. 2168 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 2nd half 13th century] |
fr. 2173 | L'Image du monde / Fables [Miscellany, France?, 13th century] |
fr. 2174 | L'image du monde [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1280] |
fr. 9140 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Marche County (Ahun), 1470-1480] |
fr. 9141 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, 1400-1425] |
fr. 12332 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
fr. 12469 | Bestiaire d'amour / L'Image du monde [Miscellany, Northern France, 13-14 century] |
fr. 12583 | Roman de Renart [Fables, France (Paris), 1425-1450] |
fr. 12584 | Le Roman du Renart [Fables, France, 1400-1450] |
fr. 12786 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, 12-14th century] |
fr. 14964 | L'Image du Monde / Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France, end of 13th century] |
fr. 14969 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, England (London or Oxford), c.1265-70] |
fr. 14970 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France or Belgium (Hainaut), ca. 1285] |
fr. 15106 | Manière et Faitures des Hommes d'Orient [Single-author, France (Hainaut), ca. 1285] |
fr. 15213 | Bestiaire d'amour / Aesop's Fables [Bestiary, Paris, 1325-1350] |
fr. 16993 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, late 14 - early 15th century] |
fr. 19091 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
fr. 20046 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, 14th century] |
fr. 22531 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 14th century] |
fr. 22532 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
fr. 22533 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, France, 15th century] |
fr. 22534 | Livre des proprietés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, 1400-1425] |
fr. 22543 | Chansonnier provençal [Miscellany, France, 14th century] |
fr. 24406 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, 13th centiury] |
fr. 24428 | L'Image du monde / De avibus / Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France (Paris?), ca. 1265] |
fr. 25344 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), ca. 1340-1350] |
fr. 25406 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc / Aesop's Fables [Miscellany, France, 14th century] |
fr. 25407 | Image du monde [Miscellany, England, 1275-1300] |
fr. 25408 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France, 13th century] |
fr. 25545 | Bestiaire d'amour en vers / Fables [Miscellany, France?, 16th century] |
fr. 25566 | Bestiaire d'amour / De Renart le Nouvel [Miscellany, France, ca. 13th century] |
Grec 390 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Grec 929 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Grec 947 | Miscellany, ca. 1574 |
Grec 1612 | Miscellany, 1493 |
Grec 2027 | Miscellany, 1449 |
Grec 2426 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Grec 2509 | Miscellany, 15th century |
ital. 450 | Lu libro del animali et de uccielli et del loro nature per belli exempli [Miscellany, Florence, 14th century] |
ital. 576 | Acerba [Encyclopedia, Italy, 14th century] |
lat. 346A | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, Late 13th - early 14th century] |
lat. 347 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, Late 13th - 14th century] |
lat. 347A | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
lat. 347B | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Paris?, 14th century] |
lat. 347C | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Paris?, 14th century] |
lat. 347D | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
lat. 347E | (De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, Late 13th - early 14th century] |
lat. 347F | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Late13th - 14th century] |
lat. 348 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France (Paris?), 16th century] |
lat. 349 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
lat. 350 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
lat. 350A | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
lat. 455 | Miscellany, 13th century |
lat. 1207 | Miscellany, France, 11th century |
lat. 2420 | De unverso [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
lat. 2494 | Miscellany, France?, 12th century |
lat. 2495 | De avibus [Miscellany, France, early 13th century] |
lat. 2495A | Bestiary, France, 2nd quarter 13th century |
lat. 2495B | De bestiis et aliis rebus [Bestiary, France, ca. 1230] |
lat. 2780 | Miscellany, France?, End of 12th century |
lat. 2825 | Physiologus [Miscellany, North France, late 11th century] |
lat. 2843E | Physiologus [Miscellany, Bologne, Italy, end of 13th century] |
lat. 3332 | Liber de moralitatibus [Marcus of Orvieto, France, 14th century] |
lat. 3630 | Miscellany, England, 3rd quarter 13th century |
lat. 3638A | Bestiary, Paris, 13th century |
lat. 3718(1) | Miscellany, 13th century |
lat. 4126 | Miscellany, England, north-east, 13-14th century |
lat. 4846 | Topographia Hibernica [Travel Narrative, England/Norther Fance, 14t century] |
lat. 5129 | Miscellany, 13th century |
lat. 6428A | Speculum naturale [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
lat. 6428D | Speculum naturale / Speculum historiale [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
lat. 6517 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
lat. 6518 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 14th century] |
lat. 6518A | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
lat. 6519 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
lat. 6520 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, Lombardie, 1300-1425] |
lat. 6521 | Liber de natura avium / liber de natura quadrupedibus [Encyclopedia, 14th-15th century] |
lat. 6749A | De avibus [Aviary, France (Tours?), ca. 1450] |
lat. 6838B | Bestiary, Northern France, 13th century |
lat. 6952 | Physica [Miscellany, Germany, 15th century] |
lat. 7475 | Miscellany, Paris, 13th century |
lat. 7537A | Miscellany |
lat. 7608 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
lat. 8321 | Miscellany, 15th century |
lat. 8772 | Miscellany, 15th century |
lat. 8865 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, North France or Flanders, ca. 1260] |
lat. 9675 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, 1429] |
lat. 10200 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, late 13th to early 14th century] |
lat. 10201 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 15th century] |
lat. 10448 | Miscellany, Germany/Bavaria, 13th century |
lat. 11207 | Miscellany, North France, 13th century |
lat. 11684 | De rerun naturis [Encyclopedia, France, 12th century] |
lat. 12321 | Miscellany, 13th century |
lat. 12967 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 13th century] |
lat. 14297 | Miscellany, France, 13th century |
lat. 14387 | Speculun naturale [Encyclopedia, England?, 13th century] |
lat. 14388 | Speculum naturale [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 14th century] |
lat. 14429 | De avibus / Bestiary [Bestiary, North France, ca. 1250-1260] |
lat. 14512 | Miscellany, France?, 12th century |
lat. 14727-14728 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
lat. 15447 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, late 13th century] |
lat. 16098 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 13th century] |
lat. 16099 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 13th-14th century] |
lat. 16169 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, Paris, mid 14th century] |
lat. 16879 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, France, 1150-1200] |
lat. 17156 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
lat. 17817 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Bohemia (Prague), ca. 1440-1450] |
lat. 18018 | Miscellany, 1250-1300 |
NAF 13521 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, short version [Miscellany, France, 13th century] |
NAF 18800 | Traité de fauconnerie [Aviary, France, Start of 16th century] |
NAL 258 | Miscellany, Spain (Silos Abbey), 15th century |
NAL 455 | Physiologus [Miscellany, 10th-11th century] |
NAL 619 | Miscellany, 15th century |
NAL 873 | Bestiary, Canterbury, Late 12th century |
NAL 999 | Miscellany, Spain (Abbey of Silos), 13th century |
Rothschild 2800 (434 a) | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France, 14the century] |
Supplément grec 681 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Bibliothèque Orientale de Beyrouth (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth), Beruit, Lebanon | |
N.C. 126 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Avranches (Ville d'Avranches), Avranches, Avranches | |
Ms. 28 | Miscellany, 12th-13th century |
Bibliothèque patrimoniale Villon (BM Rouen), Rouen, France | |
638 | Miscellany, 12th - 13th century |
1468 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, France | |
Ms. 1024 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 1275-1300] |
Ms. 1028 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, 1380-1395] |
Ms. 1029 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, France (Toulouse), ca. 1350] |
Ms. 2200 | L'Image du monde / Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Paris, France (Saint Genevieve), ca. 1276-77] |
Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine (Montpellier) (Universié de Montpellier), Montpellier, France | |
H. 46 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 13th - 14th century] |
H. 189 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
H. 190 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
H. 191 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th century] |
H. 348 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, 14th century] |
H. 437 | L'Image du Monde / Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais [Miscellany, France, 14th century (1340?)] |
H. 499 | Miscellany, France, 13th-14th century |
Bischöfliche Bibliothek zu Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria | |
Codex XXIX e 7 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Bodleian Library (University of Oxford), Oxford, England, UK | |
MS. Add. A. 170 | Aesopus moralisatus [Fables, Italy, 1400-1450] |
MS. Add. A. 171 | Aesop's Fables [Miscellany, Italy, 135-1400] |
MS. Ashmole 1462 | Herbals [Miscellany, England, 12th - 13th century] |
MS. Ashmole 1474 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, England, Early 14th century] |
MS. Ashmole 1504 | The Tudor Pattern Book [Single-author, England, c. 1520-30] |
MS. Ashmole 1511 | The Ashmole Bestiary [Bestiary, England (Peterborough?), Early 13th century] |
MS. Ashmole 1512 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, England, 1250-1300 (1296?)] |
MS. Auct. F. 3. 7 | Miscellany, France, 1100-1150 |
MS. Auct. F. 4. 13 | Miscellany, 15th century |
MS. Auct. F. 4. 14 | Miscellany, 16th century |
MS. Auct. F. 4. 30 | Metamorphoses [Ovid, 12th century] |
MS. Auct. T. 1. 27 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Flemish, Mid 12th century] |
MS. Auct. T. 2. 23 | Physiologus [Miscellany, France (Tours?), 10th century] |
MS. Barocci 50 | Miscellany, Byzantine (Constantinople), 10th century |
MS. Barocci 95 | Miscellany, 15th century |
MS. Bodley 91 | Miscellany, England, 14th century |
MS. Bodley 130 | Bodley Herbal and Bestiary [Miscellany, England, Bury St Edmonds, late 11th century] |
MS. Bodley 264 | Alexander Cycle / Marco Polo [Miscellany, England, 1338-1244; 16th century] |
MS. Bodley 533 | Liber de naturis bestiarum [Bestiary, England, mid 13th century] |
MS. Bodley 602 | Bestiary / De avibus [Bestiary, South England (St Albans?), 13th century, 2nd quarter] |
MS. Bodley 749 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, England, ca. 1370-80] |
MS. Bodley 764 | Bestiary, England, c 1225-50 |
MS. Bodley 912 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, England, 14th century] |
MS. Bodley 965b | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 1400-1450] |
MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 70 | Pharsalia [Lucan, 14th century] |
MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 71 | Pharsalia [Single-author, 14th century] |
MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 127 | Miscellany, 14th century |
MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 128 | Aesop's Fables [Fables, 15th century] |
MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 295 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Italy, 1479] |
MS. Canon. Ital. 7 | Treatise on natural science [Encyclopedia, Italy (Venice), End of 14th century] |
MS. Canon. Ital. 20 | Tractato de la natura degli uccelli [Encyclopedia, Italy, Mid 15th century] |
MS. Canon. Ital. 38 | L'Acerba Eta [Miscellany, Florence, 1456] |
MS. Canon. Misc. 78 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
MS. Canon. Misc. 234 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
MS. Canon. Misc. 356 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
MS. D'Orville 171 | Metamorphoses [Ovid, 1300-1350] |
MS. Digby 12 | De propriatatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Italy, 14th century] |
MS. Digby 69 | Miscellany, 13rh century |
MS. Douce 88 | Miscellany, England, 13th-14th century |
MS. Douce 132 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, England, c. 1250] |
MS. Douce 151 | Bestiary, France (?), 13th-14th century |
MS. Douce 167 | Bestiary, England (?), 1st half 13th century |
MS. Douce 308 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Metz, France, 1309-1325] |
MS. Douce 360 | Roman de Renart [Fables, France, 1399] |
MS. Douce 366 | The Ormesby Psalter [Psalter, England (East Anglia), 13th-14th century] |
MS. e Mus. 16 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 1425-1450] |
MS. e Mus. 136 | De bestiis [Bestiary, England, late 13th century] |
MS. Holkham Gr. 43 | Miscellany, 14th century |
MS. Lat. e. 34 | De floribus rerum naturalium [Encyclopedia, 1250-1300] |
MS. Laud Misc. 129 | Miscellany, Germany, 9th century |
MS. Laud Misc. 247 | Miscellany, England, c 1110-30 |
MS. Laud Misc. 439 | Miscellany, England, 1250-1300 |
MS. Laud Misc. 682 | De proprietatibus rerum [Miscellany, 15th century] |
MS. Laud Misc. 720 | Topographia Hibernica [Miscellany, England, ca. 1250-1275] |
MS. Laud Misc. 722 | Miscellany, England, 14th century |
MS. Laud Misc. 746 | De universo [Encyclopedia, England (Oxford), Late 13th century] |
MS. Lawn medieval 8 | Miscellany, Italy, 14th century |
MS. Lyell 71 | Miscellany, Italy, ca. 1300 |
MS. Rawl. C. 77 | Miscellany, Late 13th century |
MS. Rawl. G. 69 | Bestiary, Late 13th century |
MS. Rawl. G. 144 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, France?, ca. 1200] |
MS. Selden Supra 74 | Miscellany, England, 1250-1300 |
MS. Selden Supra 75 | Miscellany, England?, 1300-1350 |
MS. Tanner 110 | Miscellany, 12th-15th century |
Bristol City Library (Bristol City Council), Bristol, United Kingdom | |
Ms 9 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 15th Century] |
British Library, London, England, UK | |
Additional MS 8785 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Italy (Mantua), before 1309] |
Additional MS 10015 | L'Image du monde [Miscellany, France (Picardy), Late 14th century (after 1288)] |
Additional MS 10019 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Additional MS 10415 | Miscellany, Late 14th century |
Additional MS 11283 | Bestiary, England, c 1170 |
Additional MS 11390 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, c. 1300 - c.1325] |
Additional MS 15229 | Le Roman de Renart [Fables, France or England, 14th century] |
Additional MS 18850 | Bedford Hours [Book of Hours, France (Paris), 1410-1430] |
Additional MS 24074 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Switzerland, 14th Century] |
Additional MS 24097 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Additional MS 24686 | Alphonso Psalter [Psalter, England (London), 1284] |
Additional MS 27944 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, c. 1410] |
Additional MS 28260 | Bestiaire of Gervaise [Miscellany, France, late 13th century] |
Additional MS 30935 | Miscellany, Germay, 15th century |
Additional MS 34606 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Additional MS 38787 | Miscellany, c 1455 |
Additional MS 42130 | The Lutterell Psalter [Psalter, England (Lincoln), c. 1325-40] |
Additional MS 62925 | The Rutland Psalter [Psalter, England, c. 1260] |
Additional MS 63841 | The Aslake World Map [Map, England, 3rd quarter 14th century] |
Additional MS 70000 | Percy Psalter [Psalter, England (York), 1280-1290] |
Additional MS 74236 | The Sherborne Missal [Missal, England, c 1399-1407] |
Arundel MS 58 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, England?, 15th century] |
Arundel MS 98 | Historia Naturalis [Encyclopedia, Southern England, 1225-1275] |
Arundel MS 243 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Arundel MS 292 | Middle English Physiologus [Bestiary, England, 13th century] |
Arundel MS 506 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Burney 327 | Etymologies [Single-author, France, 1200-1250] |
Cotton MS Augustus VI | Le livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Amiens, Mid 15t century] |
Cotton MS Cleopatra D I | Miscellany, England, 11th-12th century |
Cotton MS Cleopatra D V | Miscellany, England, ca. 1300-1350 |
Cotton MS Julius D VII | Miscellany, England [St Alban's Abbey and Wymondham], 1247 - 1258 |
Cotton MS Nero A V | Bestiaire of Philippe de Thaon [Miscellany, England, Last half of 12th century] |
Cotton MS Nero D I | Liber Additamentorum [Miscellany, England (St Albans), 1250-1259] |
Cotton MS Tiberius B V/1 | Marvels of the East [Miscellany, England, c. 11th to 12th century] |
Cotton MS Tiberius C I | Miscellany, England (Peterborough), 1122-1135 |
Cotton MS Titus C XVI | The Travels of Sir John Mandeville [Travel Narrative, England, 1400-1425] |
Cotton MS Vespasian A VII | The Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, France, c. 1360] |
Cotton MS Vespasian B XXV | Miscellany, Southeast England, 1100-1125 |
Cotton MS Vespasian E X | Miscellany, England, Late 13th - early 14th century |
Cotton MS Vitellius A XV | Miscellany, England, 10th century |
Cotton MS Vitellius C III | Miscellany, England, 9th-11th century |
Cotton MS Vitellius D I | Miscellany, Britain, 1250-1300 |
Egerton MS 613 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, France, Mid 13th century] |
Egerton MS 1982 | The Travels of Sir John Mandeville [Travel Narrative, England, 15th century] |
Harley MS 273 | Bestiare d'amour [Miscellany, England, Late 13th - early 14th c] |
Harley MS 334 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France, 1425-1450] |
Harley MS 614 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 1400-1425] |
Harley MS 1585 | Miscellany, S. Netherlands (Liège), ca. 1175 |
Harley MS 2677 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Italy (Rome), 1457-1458] |
Harley MS 2737 | Metamorphoses [Ovid, Germany, 1175-1225] |
Harley MS 3092 | De universo / De computo [Encyclopedia, Germany, 1100-1150] |
Harley MS 3093 | Miscellany, France, Early 11th century |
Harley MS 3244 | Miscellany, England, c 1236-1250 |
Harley MS 3448 | Fiore di virtù e de costumi [Single-author, Italy (Padua), 15th century 2nd quarter] |
Harley MS 3717 | De natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Southern Netherlands (Louvain?), 1230 - 1450 CE] |
Harley MS 3724 | Topographia Hibernica [Miscellany, Ireland, 13th century] |
Harley MS 3737 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England (St Albans), 12th-13th century] |
Harley MS 4003 | Miscellany, England/Ireland, ca. 1375-1425 |
Harley MS 4333 | Miscellany, France, 1250-1300 |
Harley MS 4751 | Harley Bestiary [Bestiary, England (Salisbury?), c 1230-1240] |
Harley MS 4789 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, England, 1400-1425] |
Harley MS 4986 | Herbal, Germany, 11th and 12th century |
Harley MS 6149 | Deidis of Armorie [Miscellany, Scotland, late 15th century] |
Harley MS 6563 | Book of Hours [Book of Hours, England (London?), 1320-1230] |
Oriental MS 818 | Miscellany, Early 17th century |
Royal MS 2 B VII | The Queen Mary Psalter [Psalter, England, c 1310-1320] |
Royal MS 2 C XII | Miscellany, Early 13th century |
Royal MS 5 E XVI | Miscellany, England (Salisbury), 11th century |
Royal MS 6 A XI | Miscellany, 12th century |
Royal MS 6 C I | Etymologiae [Encyclopedia, England (Canterbury, St. Augustine's), late 11th century] |
Royal MS 8 A IX | Miscellany, South France, c 1305-1317 |
Royal MS 10 A VII | Miscellany, England, 2nd quarter 13th century |
Royal MS 10 E IV | Smithfield Decretals [Miscellany, France, illuminated in England, 1330-1340] |
Royal MS 12 C XIX | Miscellany, England (Durham?), c. 1200-1210 |
Royal MS 12 E I | Miscellany, Late 15th century |
Royal MS 12 E III | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France (Paris), 14th century] |
Royal MS 12 E XVII | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Flanders?, 13th Century] |
Royal MS 12 F IV | Etymologies [Encyclopedia, East England, 1150-1175] |
Royal MS 12 F XIII | Rochester Bestiary [Bestiary, England, About 1230] |
Royal MS 12 F XIV | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Royal MS 12 G XI | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England, Early 14th century] |
Royal MS 12 G XIV | De universo [Encyclopedia, 1225-1275] |
Royal MS 13 B VIII | Topographia Hibernica / Expugnatio Hibernica / Itinerarium Kambriae [Travel Narrative, England (Lincoln?), c. 1196-1223] |
Royal MS 15 B XIX | Liber monstruorum [Miscellany, 10th-11th century] |
Royal MS 15 E II-III | Des Proprietez des Choses [Encyclopedia, Flemish (Bruges), 1482] |
Royal MS 15 E VI | Talbot Shrewsbury Book of Romances [Miscellany, France (Rouen), c. 1445] |
Royal MS 16 E VIII | Miscellany, 13th century |
Royal MS 17 E III | Livre des proprietez des choses [Encyclopedia, France, Early 15th century] |
Royal MS 19 A IX | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, Netherlands (Bruges), 1464] |
Royal MS 20 A III | L'image du monde [Miscellany, France or England, 1342] |
Royal MS 20 B XX | La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre [Miscellany, France, early 15th century] |
Sloane MS 278 | De avibus / Physiologus [Bestiary, Northern Fance/South Netherlands, 1280-1300] |
Sloane MS 471 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 14th Century] |
Sloane MS 511 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th Century] |
Sloane MS 983 | Miscellany, England, 1450-1500 |
Sloane MS 1975 | Herbal, England or France, 1175-1200 |
Sloane MS 2435 | L'image du monde [Miscellany, Northern France, 1265-1270] |
Sloane MS 3167 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th Century] |
Sloane MS 3539 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th Century] |
Sloane MS 3544 | Bestiary, England, late 13th Century |
Sloane MS 4016 | Herbal, Lombardy, Italy, ca 1440 |
Stowe MS 17 | Maastricht Hours [Book of Hours, Netherlands (Liège), c. 1310-1320] |
Stowe MS 57 | Miscellany, c. 1154 |
Stowe MS 1067 | Bestiary, England, early 12th century |
Yates Thompson MS 13 | The Taymouth Hours [Book of Hours, 1325-1350 CE] |
Yates Thompson MS 19 | Li livres dou tresor [Encyclopedia, France (Picardy), 1300-1325] |
Bulgarian National Library (Saints Cyril and Methodius), Sofia, Bulgaria | |
NBKM 309 | Miscellany, 16th century, second half |
NBKM 433 | Miscellany, Panagyurishte , 16th century |
NBKM 677 | Miscellany, Late 15th century |
Burgerbibliothek Bern (Bibliothèque De La Bourgeoisie De Berne), Bern, Switzerland | |
Cod. 233 | Physiologus [Bestiary, France (Loire region?), ca. 801-833] |
Cod. 318 | Physiologus Bernensis [Miscellany, Reims, ca. 830] |
Cod. 611 | Miscellany, France (East), 5th-8th century |
Cambridge University Library (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
Dd.1.30 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Dd.8.13 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 13th] |
Dd.13.4 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Dd.15.29 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Gg.6.5 | Liber de Bestiis et Aliis rebus [Bestiary, England, 1450-75] |
Ii.4.26 | Bestiary, England, 1200-10 |
Ii.5.41 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 14th century] |
Kk.4.5 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Kk.4.25 | Miscellany, England, 1220-40 |
Oo.7.48 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Canterbury Cathedral Library (Canterbury Cathedral), Canterbury, England, UK | |
Lit. D 10 | Miscellany, England, ca. 1290-1300 |
Center for Slavo-Byzantine Studies "Ivan Dujcev” (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski), Sofia, Bulgaria | |
D. gr. 297 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Church-Historical and Archival Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria | |
1161 | Miscellany, 1550-1599 |
College of Arms, London, England, UK | |
M. 19 | Miscellany, Normandy, 15th century |
Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library (Columbia University), New York, NY, USA | |
Plimpton MS 263 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 2nd quarter 15th century] |
Corpus Christi College Library (Oxford) (Oxford University), Oxford, United Kingdom | |
45 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
245 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, 15th century] |
Corpus Christi College Parker Library (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
MS 11 | De rerum naturis [Encyclopedia, 12th century] |
MS 22 | Miscellany, England, 12th, 14th century |
MS 39 | Speculum naturale [Encyclopedia, England?, ca. 1300-1325] |
MS 53 | The Peterborough Psalter and Bestiary [Bestiary, England, 1304-21] |
MS 400 | Topographia Hiberica [Miscellany, 13th century] |
MS 448 | Miscellany, England (Worcester), ca. 10th century |
Couvent des Cordeliers/Franziskanerkloster (Couvent des Cordeliers), Freiburg, Switzerland | |
Ms. 82 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU), Zagreb, Croatia | |
III a 20 | Miscellany, Early 16th century |
Durham University Library (Durham University), Durham, UK | |
Cosin MS V.ii.5 | Miscellany, England, 1300-1350 |
Ethnikí Vivliothíki tis Elládos (National Library of Greece), Athens, Greece | |
EBE 2187 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Evangelical School of Smyrna, Izmir, Turkey | |
B. 8 | Physiologus of Smyrna [Single-author, 11th century] |
Exeter Cathedral Library (Exeter Cathedral), Exeter, England, UK | |
Exeter Dean and Chapter MS 3501 | The Exeter Book [Miscellany, England, Late 10th century] |
Exeter College Library (Univeristy of Oxford), Oxford, England, United Kingdom | |
MS. 15 | Speculum naturale [Encyclopedia, England, 13th century] |
Fitzwilliam Museum (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
McLean 123 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Bestiary, 13th-14th century] |
MS 20 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, Ghent, 14th century] |
MS 1-2005 | Macclesfield Psalter [Psalter, England (East Anglia), 1330-1340] |
MS 251 | Livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, ca. 1415] |
MS 254 | Miscellany, England, 1220-30 |
MS 379 | Fitzwilliam Bestiary [Bestiary, England, ca. 1300] |
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha (Universität Erfurt), Gotha, Germany | |
Memb. II 143 | De natura rerum libri XX [Encyclopedia, Germany (Kloster St. Matthias Trier), 14th century] |
Getty Museum (J. Paul Getty Museum), Los Angeles, California, USA | |
MS. 100 | The Northumberland Bestiary [Bestiary, England, 1250–1260] |
MS. Lubwig XV 1 | Miscellany, Germany (Trier), 1450-1475 |
MS. Ludwig XV 2 | Miscellany, Crete, 1510-1520 |
MS. Ludwig XV 3 | De avibus / Bestiary [Bestiary, Flanders, 1270] |
MS. Ludwig XV 4 | De avibus / Bestiary [Bestiary, France (St Omer?), ca. 1277] |
Glasgow University Library (University of Glasgow), Glasgow, Scotland, UK | |
MS Ferguson 234 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 15th century] |
MS Hunter 366 | De Universo [Encyclopedia, 12th century] |
MS Hunter 389 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Gonville and Caius College Library (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
MS 109/178 | De animalibus / Bestiary [Miscellany, England, ca. 1300] |
MS 372/621 | Bestiary, England, ca. 1300 |
MS 384/604 | Bestiary, England, ca. 1300 |
Gosudarstvennyj Istoriceskij Musej, Moscow, Russian Federation | |
Sinod. gr. 298 | Miscellany, 13-15th century |
Sinod. gr. 467 | Miscellany, 11th century |
Grootseminarie Brugge, Bruges, Belgium | |
MS. 89/54 | Ter Duinen Aviary [Miscellany, Cistercian abbey Ter Duinen in Koksijde, ca. 1190-1200] |
Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Wolfenbüttel, Germany | |
Cod. Guelf. 1 Gud. lat. | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, North France, Flander, mid 12th century] |
Cod. Guelf. 35a Helmst. | Miscellany, Austria, 1340-1350 |
Cod. Guelf. 131 Gud. lat. | Miscellany, 11th-14th century |
Cod. Guelf. 148 Gud. lat. | Miscellany, East France, 10th century |
Cod. Guelf. 56.2 Aug. 4° | Physica [Hildegard von Bingen, 13th - 14th century] |
Cod. Guelf. 58.7 Aug. 2° | Der naturen bloeme [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln, Cologne, Germany | |
W 258A | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, Germany, After 1261] |
Hoofdbibliotheek Biekorf Brugge, Brugge, Belgium | |
Ms. 411 | De natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Flanders, 15th-16th century] |
Houghton Library (Harvard College / Harvard University), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA | |
MS Lat 125 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, England, 13th - 14th Century] |
MS Lat 274 | Collectaneorum liber de mirabilibus mundi [Gaius Julius Solinus, Italy, 1455] |
MS Lat 290 | Li Acerba [Encyclopedia, Italy, ca. 1400] |
MS Riant 89 | Miscellany, Belgium, 13th century |
MS Typ 101 | Harvard Aviary-Bestiary [Bestiary, Paris, c. 1200-1250] |
MS Typ 150 | Fiore di virtù [Single-author, Italy, 1450] |
MS Typ 479 | Miscellany, Italy, 1380 |
Huntington Library, San Marino, California, USA | |
EL 35 B 63 | Master of Game [Edward of Norwich, England, 15th century] |
HM 627 | Miscellany, Netherlands or England, mid 12th century |
HM 01032 | Pharsalia [Lucan, Italy, 1300-1350] |
HM 1035 | De animalibus [Aristotle, Southern Italy, 13th century, 2nd half] |
HM 1076 | Etymologiae [Encyclopedia, England, 2nd half 13th century] |
HM 27523 | Livre des Propriétés des Choses [Encyclopedia, France, 15th century] |
Kärntner Landesarchiv, Klagenfurt, Austria | |
GV 6/19 | Millstätter Genesis und Physiologus [Miscellany, South Bavarian region (Carinthia), 1st half 12th century] |
Kongelige Bibliotek (Kongelige Bibliotek (Denmark)), Copenhagen, Denmark | |
Fabr. 43 4° | Miscellany, 13th century |
Fabr. 85 8° | Miscellany, Germany, 16th century |
GKS 1633 4° | Bestiary of Ann Walsh [Bestiary, England, 1400-1425] |
GKS 1634 4° | Miscellany, Late 15th century |
GKS 3466 8° | Bestiaire of Philippe de Thaon [Bestiary, England, c 1300] |
NKS 553 c 4° | Miscellany, ca. 1640 |
NKS 2989 4° | Miscellany, Germany, 15th century |
Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Netherlands)), Hague, Netherlands | |
KB, 72 A 23 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, Lille and Ninove, 1460] |
KB, 76 E 4 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Flanders or Utrecht, c. 1450-1500] |
KB, 78 D 40 | Festal Missal [Missal, Amiens, 1323] |
KB, 128 C 4 | Le Livre fleurissant en fleurs [Encyclopedia, Enghien, 1512] |
KB, KA 16 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Flanders, ca. 1350] |
Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Brussels, Belgium | |
Ms. 531-39 | Speculum Humanae Salvationis / De avibus [Miscellany, Cologne?, c. 1450] |
Ms. 2434-52 | Physiologus Theobaldi [Miscellany, 1470] |
MS. 2551 | Physica [Miscellany, France, ca. 1440] |
Ms. 7568 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Ms. 8327-42 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Ms. 8536-43 | De avibus / Bestiary [Miscellany, France or Flanders, ca. 1250] |
Ms. 9093 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 1410-1430] |
Ms. 9094 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, early 15th century] |
Ms. 9743 | Liber de proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 13th century] |
Ms. 10066-77 | Physiologus [Miscellany, France/Belgium, 901-1450] |
Ms. 10394-10414 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, ca. 1386-1416] |
MS. 10574-85 | Miscellany, France?, 14th century |
Ms. 11184 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1350] |
Ms. 11185 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, Frnace?, 15th century] |
Ms. 18421-29 | De avibus / Bestiary [Miscellany, Flanders, ca. 1200] |
Ms. 19546 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia] |
Ms. II 1076 | Miscellany, Mosan region, late 12th century |
Ms. II 4856 | Etymologies [Encyclopedia, Northern France, 8th century] |
Ms. II 6978 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, long version [Miscellany, Flanders?, 1462] |
Ms. II 2313 | Miscellany, 1450-1499 |
MS. IV 1235 | Der Naturen Bloeme fragment [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 1326-1350] |
MS. IV 398 / 5 | Der Naturen Bloeme fragment [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 1301-1340] |
Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi, Georgia | |
S-1141 | Georgian Physiologus [Miscellany, Monastery of Ša?berdi, ca. 960-970] |
Library of Congress (USA Government), Washington, DC, United States | |
Ms. 100 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, ca 1400] |
Library of Hilandar Monastery, Mount Athos, Greece | |
Hilandar 382 | Miscellany, Late 13th century |
Lippische Landesbibliothek, Detmold, Lippe, Germany | |
Ms. 70 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Northwest Flanders, c. 1287] |
Magdalen College Library (Oxford University), Oxford, United Kingdom | |
139 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England (Cirencester), 13th century] |
Maurits Sabbebibliotheek (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belguim | |
PM0653 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, short version [Bestiary, 15th century] |
McPherson Library (University of Victoria), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | |
Ms.Lat.1 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France, 13th - 14th century] |
Médiathèque de Vendôme (Bibliothèque du Parc Ronsard), Vendôme, France | |
Ms 156 | Hugonis de S. Victore, sive Hugonis de Folieto, opuscula [Miscellany, 12th century] |
Médiathèque Jacques-Chirac (BM Troyes) (Troyes Champagne Métropole), Troyes, France | |
Ms 177 | De avibus [Miscellany, France, 1170] |
Ms 470 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, France?, 13th century] |
Ms 979 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Ms 1048 | De proprietatibus rerum [Miscellany, France (Clairvaux?), 13th century] |
Médiathèque Louis-Aragon du Mans, Le Mans, France | |
84 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Merton College Library (Oxford) (University of Oxford), Oxford, England, UK | |
MS. 249 | Bestiaire of Philippe de Thaon [Miscellany, England, 13th century] |
MS. 271 | De animalibus [Aristotle, North France (Paris?), 13th century, last quarter] |
MS. 286 | De animalibus / Commentary on Aristotle [Encyclopedia, England (Oxford), Mid 14th century] |
Monê Dionusiou (Holy Monastery of Dionysiou), Mount Athos, Greece | |
MS 232 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Monê Ibêrôn (Holy Iviron Monastery), Holy Mountain (Mt. Athos), Greece | |
190 | Miscellany, 13th Century |
377 | Miscellany, 14th Century |
Monê tês Hagias Aikaterinês (St Catherine Monastery), Saint Catherine, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt | |
gr. 485 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Moní Agíou Panteleímonos (St. Panteleimon Monastery), Mount Athos, Greece | |
22 | Miscellany, Early 15th century |
Morgan Library (Morgan Library and Museum), New York, New York, USA | |
MS B.40 | Il Fiore di virtù [Miscellany, Italy (Florence?), 1466] |
MS M.81 | The Worksop Bestiary [Bestiary, England, c 1185] |
MS M.397 | Fables / Physiologus [Miscellany, Italy, 10th or 11th century] |
MS M.459 | Bestiaire d'amour [Bestiary, Northern Italy, c. 1290] |
MS M.500 | Manafi'-i hayavan (Benefits of Animals) [Ibn Bakhtishu, Ubayd Allah ibn Jibra'il, Maragheh, Iran, late 13th century] |
MS M.770 | Fiore di virtù [Miscellany, Italy (Perugia?), Late 15th century] |
MS M.814 | Li livres dou trésor [Encyclopedia, France, 1300-1325] |
MS M.832 | De naturis bestiarum [Miscellany, Austria, c. 1150] |
MS M.875 | On the properties of things [Encyclopedia, England, 1400-1410] |
MS M.890 | Fountains Abbey Bestiary [Bestiary, England, c. 1325-1350] |
MS M.932 | Le Roman de Renart [Fables, Northern France, 1375-1400] |
Museum Meermanno, Hague, Netherlands | |
MMW, 10 B 25 | Miscellany, France, c. 1450 |
MMW, 10 D 7 | Herbarius / De medicamentis ex animalibus [Miscellany, France, ca. 900-1000] |
Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade, Serbia | |
100 | Map, ca. 1628 |
Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica (Univerza v Ljubljani), Ljubljana, Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | |
Ms 23 | Miscellany, Southern Germany, early 14th century |
National Library of Ireland (National Library of IrelanNational Library of Ireland), Dublin, Ireland | |
MS 700 | Topographia Hibernica / Expugnatio Hibernia [Travel Narrative, England] |
National Library of Medicine (National Institutes of Heath (NIH)), Bethesda, MD, United States | |
MS. 7 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
National Library of Russia, St Petersburg, Russian Federation | |
Lat. Q.v.III. 1 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Lat. Q.v.V. 1 | Saint Petersburg Bestiary [Bestiary, England, 1170-1185] |
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK | |
Adv.Libr.31.3.20 | Deidis of Armorie [Miscellany, Scotland, late 16th/early 17th cent] |
Adv.Libr.31.5.2 | Deidis of Armorie [Miscellany, Scotland, 1st half 16th century] |
National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia | |
Rs 38 | Miscellany, Late 16th century |
National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic | |
I.F.30 | Miscellany, ca. 1477 |
III.G.12 | Miscellany, Bohemia, Late 14th - early 15th century |
III.G.21 | Miscellany, 14th - 15th century |
IV.D.19 | Miscellany, Bohemia, ca. 1375-1399 |
V.A.7 | Miscellany, 14th century |
VII.E.16 | Miscellany, 13th - 14th century |
VIII.H.7 | Miscellany, Late 12th century |
XI.C.4 | Miscellany, Cechy, 15th century |
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales | |
5028C | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, Late 13th - early 14th century] |
National Museum of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic | |
IX H 16 | Miscellany, ca. 1646 |
New College Library (Oxford) (University of Oxford), Oxford, United Kingdom | |
MS 159 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, USA | |
MS 31.1 | De avibus / Physiologus [Miscellany, Bohemia, 14th century, second half] |
MS 67.3 | Miscellany, Erfurt, 1460 |
Niedersächsischen Landesbibliothek, Hannover, Germany | |
IV 369 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, Lower Rhine, Late 13th century] |
Nikoljac Monastery, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro | |
52 | Miscellany, 1485-1495 |
Oberösterreichische Landesbibliothek, Linz, Austria | |
Hs.-33 | Miscellany, 12th and 13th century |
Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge, Brugge, Belgium | |
Ms. 429 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Belgium (Ten Duinen Cistercian Abbey), 14th - 15th century] |
Ms. 430 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria | |
Cod. 67 | Etymologies [Encyclopedia, Göttweig, 12th century] |
Cod. 223 | Miscellany, Hirsau?, 11th century |
Cod. 303 | Miscellany, Austria, 1300-1310 |
Cod. 320 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Cod. 507 | Reiner Musterbuch [Miscellany, Germany (Rein), ca. 1208-1213] |
Cod. 982 | Miscellany, ca. 1060-1150 |
Cod. 1010 | Miscellany, St. Florian, 1150-1199 |
Cod. 2511 | Miscellany, Monastery of Sancta Maria Rotunda, Vienna, 1300-1320 |
Cod. 2609 | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany, France, 1325-1350] |
Cod. 2721 | Miscellany, Salzburg (?), 1200-1233 |
Cod. 3123 | Miscellany, Ingolstadt, 15th century |
Cod. 3219 | Miscellany, Southern Germany?, 14th-15th century |
Cod. 4609 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Cod. 13378 | Physiologus [Bestiary, 13th century] |
Cod. 13440 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 14t century] |
Cod. 13685 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Cod. Aethiop. 4 | Miscellany, 17th-19th century |
Cod. Med. gr. 29 | Miscellany, Constantinople?, 1390-1410 |
Cod. Med. gr. 30 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Cod. Phil. gr. 290 | Physiologus [Single-author, Northern Italy , 1475-1499] |
Cod. Ser. n. 2644 | The Viennese Tacuinum [Herbal, Italy?, Before 1405] |
Cod. Slav. 149 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Cod. Suppl. gr. 198 | Miscellany, 1584 |
Cod. Theol. gr. 128 | Miscellany, 1250-1299 |
Cod. Theol. gr. 315 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Frag. 1356 | Physiologus (fragment) [Single-author, Italy?, 13th century] |
Pepys Library (Magdalene College), Cambridge, England, UK | |
Pepys MS 1916 | Pepysian Sketchbook [Miscellany, England?, Late 14th century] |
Pontificio Collegio Greco Sant'Atanasio, Rome, Italy | |
gr. 04 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Private Library - Unknown Owner | |
A.IX.9 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
ex-Phillipps MS 6739 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, long version [Bestiary, France, Late 13th century] |
PL01 | Bestiaire d'amour [Bestiary, France (Paris), ca. 1260] |
PL02 | Le livre des propriétés des choses [Encyclopedia, Paris, ca. 1390] |
Queen's College Library (University of Oxford), Oxford, England, UK | |
MS. 161 | Deidis of Armorie [Miscellany, Scotland, c. 1500] |
Ratsbücherei Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany | |
Theol. 4° 20 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain | |
e-II-10 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, 14th century] |
f-I-12 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 12th century / 14th century] |
MS R.I.5 | Historia naturalis [Encyclopedia, Bologna, ca. 1300] |
Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest, Romania | |
25 | Miscellany, 16th century |
310 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Russian State Archive of Early Acts, Moscow, Russian Federation | |
Mazurin 1700 | Miscellany, 1350-1399 |
Schlierbach Stiftsbibliothek (Stift Schlierbach), Schlierbach, Austria | |
Cod. 36 (52) | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Austria?, ca. 1369] |
Scriptorial of Avranches (Manuscript Museum of Mont Saint-Miche), Avranches, France | |
Ms 28 | Miscellany, France, 13th century |
Sidney Sussex College (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
MS 100 | De avibus / Bestiary [Bestiary, France (Paris), ca. 1250] |
St John's College (Cambridge) Library (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
A.15 | R. Grosseteste, Etc. [Miscellany, England, 13th - 15th century] |
C.12 | Miscellany, 13th century |
H.11 | Isidorus, etc. [Miscellany, England, Late 12th century] |
St John's College (Oxford) Library (University of Oxford), Oxford, England, UK | |
MS. 5 | Etymologiae sive de universo [Encyclopedia, England, 1175-1200] |
MS. 51 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England, 12th-13th century] |
MS. 61 | Bestiary, England (York), 13th century |
MS. 88 | De universo [Encyclopedia, England, 12th century] |
MS. 136 | Miscellany, England, 13th century |
MS. 178 | Miscellany, England, 13th - 14th century |
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (Universität Bremen), Breman, Germany | |
Ms. 39 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 1453] |
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, Dresden, Germany | |
Mscr.Dresd.A.198 | Miscellany, ca. 1250 |
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany | |
Cod. 19 in scrinio | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Utrecht, ca. 1345] |
Cod. 47 in scrinio | Aesop's Fables / Physiologus [Miscellany, N. Germany, 1300-1320] |
Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany | |
Msc.Class.87 | Miscellany, Carmeli Bambergensis, 15t century |
Msc.Theol.233 | Miscellany, Germany (Bamberg), 1469 |
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, Georgia | |
Ms. germ. fol. 52 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Netherlands, 13th century] |
Ms. lat. qu. 256 | Miscellany, 1469-1473 |
Ms. lat. qu. 358 | Miscellany, Deutschland (Riddagshausen), 1461-1464 |
Ms. lat. qu. 396 | Miscellany, Germany (?), 1250-1299 |
Ms. theol. lat. qu. 289 | Miscellany, Brandenburg, ca. 1415 |
Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (Universität Frankfurt am Main), Frankfurt am Main, Germany | |
Ms. Carm. 1 | Das Buch der Nature [Encyclopedia, Hagenau, ca. 1440] |
Stadtbibliothek Bad Windsheim (Stadt Bad Windsheim), Bad Windsheim, Germany | |
Cod. 28 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Stadtbücherei Trier, Trier, Germany | |
Mappe IV, Fragment 6 | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, North-west Flanders, ca. 1300] |
State Historical Museum (Moscow), Moscow, Russian Federation | |
Carskij 371 | Miscellany, 16th century |
Chludov 237 | Miscellany, 1340-1350 |
Stift Lilienfeld Archiv (Zisterzienserstift Lilienfeld), Lilienfeld, Austria | |
Codex Campililiensis 33 | Miscellany, Mid 15th century |
Codex Campililiensis 36 | Miscellany, Lilienfeld, 14th-15th century |
Codex Campililiensis 154 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Austria, 1300-1325] |
Stiftsbibliothek Admont (Benediktinerstift Admont), Admont, Austria | |
Codex Admontensis 119 | Miscellany, Austria, 14th century |
Codex Admontensis 547 | Encyclopedia, Austria, 14th century |
Codex Admontensis 649 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Benediktinerstift Lambach, Lambach, Germany | |
Ccl 327 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Ccl 338 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Beromünster (Chorherrenstift St. Michael Beromünster), Beromünster, Switzerland | |
C 8 | Miscellany, 1350-1399 |
Stiftsbibliothek Einsiedeln (Kloster Einsiedeln), Einsiedeln, Switzerland | |
Codex 299(102) | De proprietatibus rerum / De animalibus [Miscellany, 14th century] |
Stiftsbibliothek Göttweig, Göttweig, Germany | |
Codex Gottwicensis 154 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Codex Gottwicensis 200 | Miscellany, Early 14th century |
Codex Gottwicensis 263 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Codex Gottwicensis 426 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Heiligenkreuz (Heiligenkreuz Abbey), Vienna, Austria | |
Codex Sancrucensis 226 | Heiligenkreuz Aviary [Miscellany, Eastern France, late 12th century] |
Codex Sancrucensis 256 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Kremsmünster (Stift Kremsmünster), Kremsmünster, Austria | |
Codex Cremifanensis 18 | Miscellany, 14th - 15th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Melk (Benediktinerstift Melk), Melk, Austria | |
Cod. 6 | Miscellany, Melk?, ca. 1200 |
Cod. 72 | De animalibus [Encyclopedia, Austria, ca. 1398] |
Cod. 662 | Miscellany, Melk?, 1425-1470 |
Cod. 867 | Miscellany, Before 1419 |
Stiftsbibliothek Michaelbeuern (Stift Michaelbeuern), Michaelbeuern, Austria | |
Man. cart. 33 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Schlägl (Stift Schlägl), Schlägl, Austria | |
Codex Plagensis 221 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen (Catholic Denomination of the Canton of St.Gallen), St. Gallen, Switzerland | |
Cod. Sang. 217 | The St. Gallen Bestiary [Miscellany, 8th to 9th century] |
Cod. Sang. 230 | Miscellany, ca. 800 |
Stiftsbibliothek Wilhering (Stift Wilhering), Wilhering, Austria | |
Codex Wilheringensis IX, 132 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Codex Wilheringensis IX, 138 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Stiftsbibliothek Zwettl (Stift Zwettl), Zwettl, Austria | |
Codex Zwettlensis 109 | Miscellany, 12th-14th century |
Codex Zwettlensis 160 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Codex Zwettlensis 192 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Codex Zwettlensis 253 | Miscellany, S. Germany (Austria), ca. 1200 |
Codex Zwettlensis 297 | Miscellany, 13th - 14th century |
Trinity College Library (Cambridge) (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, England, UK | |
O.1.34 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Belgium (St Bavo's, Ghent), 13th century] |
O.2.14 | Bestiaire of Guillaume le Clerc [Miscellany, England, 13th & 14th century] |
O.2.48 | Herbarium [Herbal, Germany?, 14th century] |
O.4.1 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, Cambridge (Barnwell Priory), 13th century] |
O.7.9 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England (Buildwas Abbey), 12th-13th century] |
R.14.9 | Miscellany, England, 1275-1300 |
R.15.13 | Natural History [Encyclopedia, England, 1230-40] |
R.16.3 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England?, 13th century] |
R.16.4 | De naturis rerum [Encyclopedia, England (Osney Abbey), 12th century] |
Trinity College Library (Dublin) (Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin), Dublin, Ireland | |
IE TCD MS 261 | Miscellany, 1500-1550 |
IE TCD MS 2100 | Miscellany, 15th - 16th century |
IE TCD MS 11500 | Miscellany, Ireland (St. Mary’s Cistercian Abbey, Dublin), 1400-1425 |
Trinity College Library (Oxford) (University of Oxford), Oxford, United Kingdom | |
MS. 64 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 1275-1299] |
Universidade de Brasilia Biblioteca Central (Universidade de Brasilia), Brasilia, Brazil | |
Ms. Serafim da Silva Neto | Miscellany, Portugal, Early 14th century |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn (Universität Bonn), Bonn, Germany | |
S 731 | Miscellany, 14th - 15th century |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Darmstadt, Germany | |
Hs 416 | De universo [Encyclopedia, Heidelberg, 1467] |
Hs 2780 | Novus Physiologus [Miscellany, ca. 1380] |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Düsseldorf, Germany | |
Ms. B 141 | Miscellany, Düsseldorf, Kreuzherrenkonvent (?), ca. 1488 |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster (Universität Münster), Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany | |
Cod 59 | Der Naturen Bloeme / Van den vos Reynaerde [Miscellany, Netherlands, 2nd half 14th century] |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle, Germany | |
Qu. Cod. 208 | Miscellany, 1421-1488 |
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol (Universität Innsbruck), Innsbruck, Austria | |
Codex 312 | Miscellany, 13th century |
Codex 792 | Miscellany, 15th century |
Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg (Universität Augsburg), Augsburg, Germany | |
Cod.II.1.2° 109 | De bestiis et aliis rebus [Miscellany, 15th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Basel (Universität Basel), Basel, Switzerland | |
AN II 42 | Miscellany, 15th century |
B V 32 | Physiologus [Miscellany, 13th-14th century] |
B X 29 | Miscellany, 13th - 14th century |
F II 10 | Miscellany, 15th century |
F III 19 | Physiologus [Single-author, 13th century] |
F VII 8 | Miscellany, ca, 1450-1499 |
UBH F I 19-20 | De animalibus [Miscellany, Switzerland?, 14th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Erfurt (Universität Erfurt), Erfurt, Germany | |
O. 77 | De floribus rerum naturalium [Encyclopedia, Late 13th to early 14th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (Goethe Universitat), Frankfurt, Germany | |
Ms. Praed. 96 | Excerpta e libro De proprietatibus rerum [Miscellany, 1443] |
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Freiburg, Germany | |
Ms. 979 | Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais, long version [Bestiary, Northern France, 14th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Graz (Universität Graz), Graz, Austria | |
Ms 673 | Miscellany, St. Lambrecht, ca. 1360 |
Ms 854 | Miscellany, Benediktinerstift St. Lambrecht, Late 15th century |
Ms 1538 | Miscellany, Late 13th - early 14th century |
Universitätsbibliothek Greifswald (Universität Greifswald), Greifswald, Germany | |
37.E.47 | Miscellany, 1386-1400 |
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (Universität Heidelberg), Heidelberg, Germany | |
Cod. Pal. germ. 286 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Germany, ca. 1442] |
Cod. Pal. germ. 300 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Hagenau, 1443-1451] |
Cod. Pal. germ. 311 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Germany, 15th century] |
Cod. Pal. germ. 369 | Das Buch der Natur [Encyclopedia, Germany, 15th century] |
Cod. Sal. VII,104 | Miscellany, South-west Germany, 15th century |
Hs I 279 | Miscellany, 14th century |
Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Kassel, Germany | |
Ms. theol. 40 | Miscellany, 1350-1400 |
Ms. theol. 48 | Tractus de naturis animalium cum applicatione morali [Miscellany, Raum Kassel/Spangenberg, 15th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, Kiel, Germany | |
Cod. ms. Bord. 31 | Miscellany, Germany, ca. 1468 |
Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany | |
Cod. gr. 35 | Miscellany, Southern Italy/Athens, 1370-1375 |
Ms 351 | Miscellany, Early 13th century |
Ms 1305 | Miscellany, First half 15th century |
Universitätsbibliothek München (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Munich, Germany | |
Cod. ms. 120 | Miscellany, Germany (Landshut), 1449-1451 |
Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (Universität Tübingen), Tübingen, Germany | |
Mc 365 | Bestiary [Bestiary, Provence or Northern Italy, 13th century] |
Universitätsbibliothek Wien (Universität Wien), Wien, Austria | |
I-26054 | Miscellany, 1566 |
Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg (Universität Wözburg), Würzburg, Germany | | 150 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Germany, 1456] |
Universiteit van Amsterdam Bibliotheek (Univesiteit van Amsterdam), Amsterdam, Netherlands | |
IA 24 f | Bestiaire d'amour [Miscellany] |
Universiteitsbibliotheek Ghent (Universiteit Gent), Gent, Belgium | |
MS 92 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1120] |
Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden (Universiteit Leiden), Leiden, Netherlands | |
BPL 13 | Collectiana rerum memorabillium / Topographia Hibernica [Miscellany, Southern Netherlands, 14th century] |
BPL 14 A | Der Naturen Bloeme [Encyclopedia, Utrecht or area, ca. 1360] |
BPL 1283 | Herbarius / De medicamentis ex animalibus [Miscellany, North France, ca. 1300] |
GRO 87 | Miscellany, France, 13th century |
LTK 1527 | Der Naturen Bloeme fragment [Miscellany, Netherlands, 1300-1400] |
Or. 66 | Physiologus [Miscellany] |
VLF 5 | De universo [Encyclopedia, 1350-1399] |
VLF 31 | Liber Floridus [Encyclopedia, North France, end 13th century] |
VLO 72 | Miscellany, Germany?, 1150-1199 |
University College Library (Oxford) (University of Oxford), Oxford, England, UK | |
MS. 120 | Bestiary, England, 13th-14th century |
University of Pennsylvania Library (University of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, PA, USA | |
LJS 23 | Liber de natura rerum [Encyclopedia, Northern France Or Flanders, ca. 1250-70] |
LJS 55 | L'Image du monde [Miscellany, France (Lorraine?), 1290] |
LJS 184 | Etymologiae [Encyclopedia, Southern France or Catalonia, 13th century] |
LJS 264 | L'image du monde [Encyclopedia, France, ca. 1400] |
Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek (Uppsala Universitet), Uppsala, Sweden | |
C 145 | Miscellany, Paris, Late 13th century |
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland, USA | |
Ms. W.76 | Historia de Preliis Alexandri Magni [Single-author, Italy, 13th century] |
Ms. W.102 | Book of Hours, England, c. 1300 |
Ms. W.199 | L'Image du monde [Encyclopedia, France?, 1489] |
Ms. W.355 | Miscellany, Italy, 15th century |
Wellcome Collection (Wellcome), London, UK | |
MS.114 | De proprietatibus rerum [Encyclopedia, Mid 14th century] |
MS.132 | Italian Bestiary / Fiore di virtue [Bestiary, Mid 15th century] |
Westminster Abbey Library (Westminster Abbey), London, England, UK | |
MS 22 | Westminster Abbey Bestiary [Bestiary, England, c 1275-1300] |
William L. Clements Library (University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | |
M-5039 | Polyhistor [Gaius Julius Solinus, Italy, 15th century] |
Wormsley Library (Wormsley Estate), UK | |
MS BM 3731 | Salvatorberg Bestiary [Bestiary, Germany, 1375-1400] |
MS BM 3747 | Bestiary, England, 1275-1300 |
Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart, Germany | |
Cod. poet. et phil. 4° 42 | Miscellany, South-west Germany, 15th century | | De universo [Encyclopedia, Heidelberg (?), 1457] |
HB VI 128 | Miscellany, 15th century |
HB VIII 19 | Miscellany, Heidelberg (?), ca. 1468-1470 |
HB XII 5 | Miscellany, Kempten, ca. 1490-1497 |
Yale Center for British Art (Yale University), New Haven, CT, USA | |
Folio C 2014 4 | Helmingham Herbal and Bestiary [Bestiary, Helmingham, Suffolk, ca. 1500] |
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothe Luzern, Lucerne, Swaziland | |
Msc. 42. fol. | Commentary on the Bible [Nicholas of Lira, Engelberg (?), 1458] |