
Bibliography : Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 247

Ron Baxter Bestiaries and their Users in the Middle Ages
Ron Baxter; Colum Hourihane, ed. Learning from Nature: Lessons in Virtue and Vice in the Physiologus and Bestiaries
Florence McCulloch Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
Xenia Muratova Aspects de la transmission textuelle et picturale des manuscrits des bestiaires anglais a la fin du XIIe et au debut du XIIIe siecle
Xenia Muratova I Manuscritti miniati del bestiaro medievale: origine, formazione e sviluppo dei cicli di illustrazione. I bestiari miniati in Inghilterra nei secoli XII-XIV
Margaret Rickert Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages