Bibliography : Aberdeen University Library, Univ. Lib. MS 24
Aberdeen University
The Aberdeen Bestiary Project
M. Arnott; I. Beavan, J. Geddes
The Aberdeen Bestiary: an Online Medieval Text
Ron Baxter
Bestiaries and their Users in the Middle Ages
Iain Beavan; M. Arnott, C. A. McLaren
The Nature of the Beast; or, The Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary
Iain Beavan; M. Arnott, J. Milne
The Online Bestiary Project in Electronic Library and Visual Information Research (ELVIRA) 3 Conference, De Montfort University, [Proceedings], ed. by M. Collier and K. Arnold
Iain Beavan
Secretary Thomas Reid and the early listing of his manuscripts
Iain Beavan; M. Arnott, C. A. McLaren
Text and illustration: the Digitisation of a Mediaeval Manuscript
Iain Beavan; M.Arnott
Beasts on the Screen: the Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary - a Case Study in Preservation and Digitisation: Principles, Practice, Problems
James P. Carley
Books seen by Samuel Ward 'in bibliotheca regia', circa 1614
James P. Carley
John Leland and the foundations of the Royal Library: the Westminster Inventory of 1542
Willene B. Clark
Medieval Book of Birds: Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarium
M. R. James
The Bestiary in the University Library
M. R. James
A catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in the University library, Aberdeen
Xenia Muratova
Aspects de la transmission textuelle et picturale des manuscrits des bestiaires anglais a la fin du XIIe et au debut du XIIIe siecle
Xenia Muratova
I Manuscritti miniati del bestiaro medievale: origine, formazione e sviluppo dei cicli di illustrazione. I bestiari miniati in Inghilterra nei secoli XII-XIV
Xenia Muratova; Willene B. Clark & Meradith T. McMunn, ed.
Workshop methods in English late twelfth-century illumination and the production of luxury bestiaries
Margaret Rickert
Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages
Brunsdon Yapp
A New Look at English Bestiaries