
Beasts : Cambridge University Library, Ii.4.26

Beasts mentioned in this manuscript. The symbol indicates that the beast is known to be illustrated at least once in the manuscript, but the lack of that symbol does not guarantee there is no illustration. Beasts that have not been identified are shown in italics with the category (if known) in [brackets]. The lists may be incomplete.

Beast Name Order

Name Folio       
Amphisbaena 49v
Ant 29r
Ape 10v
Asp 48v
Ass 25r
Basilisk 47r
Bat 40v
Bear 13v
Beaver 8v
Bee 43v
Boa 50r
Boar 23r
Bonnacon 10r
Bull 23r
Caladrius 33v
Camel 24r
Cat 28r
Cinnamologus 37v
Cock 42v
Coot 35v
Crab 58r  
Crane 32v
Crocodile 15r, 49v
Dipsa 50v  
Dog 18v, 19r, 20r
Dolphin 55v  
Dove 45v
Dragon 45v, 46v
Dromedary 24v
Duck 43r
Eagle 31r
Echeneis 57v  
Elephant 7r, 46v
Fish 54r
Fox 16r
Frog 59v  
Goat 12r, 13r
Griffin 6v
Hawk 40r
He-goat 22v
Hedgehog 28v
Hercinia 37v
Hoopoe 38r
Horse 25v
Hydrus 49v
Hyena 9r
Ibex 9r
Ibis 34v
Jaculus 50v
Kingfisher 36r
Lamb 22v
Leucrota 14v
Lion 1r, 1v
Lizard 50v
Lynx 6r
Magpie 40r
Manticore 15v
Mole 28v
Monocerus 13v
Mouse 28r
Mule 27r  
Newt 51v
Nightingale 40v
Onager 25r
Ostrich 35r
Owl 38v, 42v
Ox 23v
Panther 4v
Parandrus 16r
Pard 4r
Parrot 33r
Partridge 39v
Peacock 42v
Pearl-oyster 59v  
Pelican 38r
Peridexion Tree 45v
Phoenix 36r, 36v
Quail 42v
Salamander 51r
Satyr 11r
Sawfish 55r  
Scitalis 49v
Sea-pig 55v  
Seps 50v
Sheep 17r, 22r
Siren 39r
Siren (Serpent) 50v  
Snake 52r
Stag 11r
Stork 34r
Swallow 41v
Swan 34v
Tiger 3v
Torpedo 58r  
Turtledove 41r
Viper 47v
Vulture 32r
Wether 22r
Whale 54v
Wolf 17r
Woodpecker 40r  
Worm 53r  
Yale 16v

Manuscript Appearance Order

Name Folio       
Lion 1r
Lion 1v
Tiger 3v
Pard 4r
Panther 4v
Lynx 6r
Griffin 6v
Elephant 7r
Beaver 8v
Ibex 9r
Hyena 9r
Bonnacon 10r
Ape 10v
Satyr 11r
Stag 11r
Goat 12r
Goat 13r
Monocerus 13v
Bear 13v
Leucrota 14v
Crocodile 15r
Manticore 15v
Parandrus 16r
Fox 16r
Yale 16v
Wolf 17r
Sheep 17r
Dog 18v
Dog 19r
Dog 20r
Sheep 22r
Wether 22r
Lamb 22v
He-goat 22v
Boar 23r
Bull 23r
Ox 23v
Camel 24r
Dromedary 24v
Ass 25r
Onager 25r
Horse 25v
Mule 27r  
Cat 28r
Mouse 28r
Mole 28v
Hedgehog 28v
Ant 29r
Eagle 31r
Vulture 32r
Crane 32v
Parrot 33r
Caladrius 33v
Stork 34r
Swan 34v
Ibis 34v
Ostrich 35r
Coot 35v
Kingfisher 36r
Phoenix 36r
Phoenix 36v
Cinnamologus 37v
Hercinia 37v
Hoopoe 38r
Pelican 38r
Owl 38v
Siren 39r
Partridge 39v
Magpie 40r
Hawk 40r
Woodpecker 40r  
Nightingale 40v
Bat 40v
Turtledove 41r
Swallow 41v
Owl 42v
Peacock 42v
Quail 42v
Cock 42v
Duck 43r
Bee 43v
Dove 45v
Dragon 45v
Peridexion Tree 45v
Dragon 46v
Elephant 46v
Basilisk 47r
Viper 47v
Asp 48v
Scitalis 49v
Amphisbaena 49v
Hydrus 49v
Crocodile 49v
Boa 50r
Jaculus 50v
Siren (Serpent) 50v  
Dipsa 50v  
Seps 50v
Lizard 50v
Salamander 51r
Newt 51v
Snake 52r
Worm 53r  
Fish 54r
Whale 54v
Sawfish 55r  
Dolphin 55v  
Sea-pig 55v  
Echeneis 57v  
Torpedo 58r  
Crab 58r  
Pearl-oyster 59v  
Frog 59v