
Beasts : Yale Center for British Art, Folio C 2014 4

Beasts mentioned in this manuscript. The symbol indicates that the beast is known to be illustrated at least once in the manuscript, but the lack of that symbol does not guarantee there is no illustration. Beasts that have not been identified are shown in italics with the category (if known) in [brackets]. The lists may be incomplete.

Beast Name Order

Name Folio       
Antelope 20r
Ape 15r
Badger 15v
Basilisk 18v
Bear 15v
Beaver 15v, 19r
Bonnacon 15v
Camel 19r
Crocodile 18v
Dog 17v, 28r
Dragon 17v
Dromedary 17v
Goat 19r
Griffin 18r
Hare 18r
Horse 18r
Hyena 15r
Ibex 17r
Leopard 19v
Lion 19v
Lizard 19v
Lynx 19v
Mole 16v
Ostrich 15r, 16r
Panther 20v
Rabbit 19r
Ram 16r, 20v
Rat 17v
Reindeer 20v  
Satyr 16r
Sheep 20r
Stag 17r, 20r
Tiger 18v
Titmouse 16v
Unicorn 18v
Wolf 16r

Manuscript Appearance Order

Name Folio       
Ostrich 15r
Ape 15r
Hyena 15r
Bear 15v
Badger 15v
Bonnacon 15v
Beaver 15v
Ostrich 16r
Ram 16r
Wolf 16r
Satyr 16r
Titmouse 16v
Mole 16v
Stag 17r
Ibex 17r
Dragon 17v
Dromedary 17v
Dog 17v
Rat 17v
Griffin 18r
Horse 18r
Hare 18r
Basilisk 18v
Crocodile 18v
Tiger 18v
Unicorn 18v
Beaver 19r
Rabbit 19r
Goat 19r
Camel 19r
Lion 19v
Leopard 19v
Lynx 19v
Lizard 19v
Stag 20r
Antelope 20r
Sheep 20r
Ram 20v
Panther 20v
Reindeer 20v  
Dog 28r