
Beasts : Bibliothèque Universitaire Historique de Médecine (Montpellier), H. 437

Beasts mentioned in this manuscript. The symbol indicates that the beast is known to be illustrated at least once in the manuscript, but the lack of that symbol does not guarantee there is no illustration. Beasts that have not been identified are shown in italics with the category (if known) in [brackets]. The lists may be incomplete.

This manuscript has two parts. Each part has its own lists.

Part 1: Image du Monde by Gossuin de Metz [Folio 31r-194v]

Beast Name Order

Name Folio       
Ant 104v
Asp 99r
Basilisk 98v
Beaver 94r
Camel 105r
Cerastes 99r
Crane 85v
Crow 114r
Diamond 101r
Dolphin 111v  
Dragon 91v, 99v
Dromedary 105v
Eagle 113r
Echeneis 111r
Eel 98r  
Elephant 98r
Griffin 85r
Hawk 114v
Hedgehog 106r
Heron 113v
Horse 96v, 103v
Jackdaw 114r
Leontophone 95v
Leucrota 92r
Lion 95v
Mouse 95r
Muscaliet 94v
Ostrich 113v
Panther 96r
Parrot 107v
Peacock 114v
Pelican 108r
Phoenix 102v
Salamander 94v
Siren 112v
Snake 100r
Stag 91v
Tiger 94r
Tragelaphus 91v
Turtledove 113r
Unicorn 93v
Whale 112r
Yale 92r

Manuscript Appearance Order

Name Folio       
Griffin 85r
Crane 85v
Dragon 91v
Stag 91v
Tragelaphus 91v
Yale 92r
Leucrota 92r
Unicorn 93v
Tiger 94r
Beaver 94r
Muscaliet 94v
Salamander 94v
Mouse 95r
Lion 95v
Leontophone 95v
Panther 96r
Horse 96v
Elephant 98r
Eel 98r  
Basilisk 98v
Cerastes 99r
Asp 99r
Dragon 99v
Snake 100r
Diamond 101r
Phoenix 102v
Horse 103v
Ant 104v
Camel 105r
Dromedary 105v
Hedgehog 106r
Parrot 107v
Pelican 108r
Echeneis 111r
Dolphin 111v  
Whale 112r
Siren 112v
Eagle 113r
Turtledove 113r
Ostrich 113v
Heron 113v
Jackdaw 114r
Crow 114r
Peacock 114v
Hawk 114v

Part 2: Bestiaire of Pierre de Beauvais [Folio 195r-250r]

Beast Name Order

Name Folio       
Alerion 210v
Ant 217r
Antelope 197r
Ape 232r
Asp 204v
Barnacle Goose 222r
Basilisk 222v
Beaver 227v
Blackbird 249v
Caladrius 199r
Coot 228v
Cow 214r
Crane 202r
Cricket 206r
Crocodile 229r
Dog 247v
Dove 243r
Eagle 211v
Echeneis 247r
Elephant 244r
Fire Stones 198v
Fox 220v
Goat 230r, 246r
Griffin 227r, 238r
Harpy 207r
Hedgehog 218v
Hoopoe 213r, 213v
Hydrus 229r
Ibis 219r
Lion 195r
Mole 242v
Nightingale 208r
Onager 231v
Ostrich 218r, 238r
Owl 212r, 233v
Panther 234r
Parrot 216r
Partridge 236v
Peacock 208v
Pelican 200v
Phoenix 215v
Raven 206r
Salamander 241v
Sawfish 197v
Siren 213r, 213v
Snake 225v
Spider 221v
Stag 240v
Swallow 203v
Swan 233r
Tiger 201r
Titmouse 239v
Turtledove 239r
Unicorn 226r
Viper 200r
Vulture 204r, 222v
Whale 237r
Wild Man 248v
Wolf 203r, 246v
Woodpecker 209v
Yale 230v

Manuscript Appearance Order

Name Folio       
Lion 195r
Antelope 197r
Sawfish 197v
Fire Stones 198v
Caladrius 199r
Viper 200r
Pelican 200v
Tiger 201r
Crane 202r
Wolf 203r
Swallow 203v
Vulture 204r
Asp 204v
Cricket 206r
Raven 206r
Harpy 207r
Nightingale 208r
Peacock 208v
Woodpecker 209v
Alerion 210v
Eagle 211v
Owl 212r
Hoopoe 213r
Siren 213r
Hoopoe 213v
Siren 213v
Cow 214r
Phoenix 215v
Parrot 216r
Ant 217r
Ostrich 218r
Hedgehog 218v
Ibis 219r
Fox 220v
Spider 221v
Barnacle Goose 222r
Basilisk 222v
Vulture 222v
Snake 225v
Unicorn 226r
Griffin 227r
Beaver 227v
Coot 228v
Crocodile 229r
Hydrus 229r
Goat 230r
Yale 230v
Onager 231v
Ape 232r
Swan 233r
Owl 233v
Panther 234r
Partridge 236v
Whale 237r
Griffin 238r
Ostrich 238r
Turtledove 239r
Titmouse 239v
Stag 240v
Salamander 241v
Mole 242v
Dove 243r
Elephant 244r
Goat 246r
Wolf 246v
Echeneis 247r
Dog 247v
Wild Man 248v
Blackbird 249v