
British Library, Egerton MS 1982
(The Travels of Sir John Mandeville)


Produced: England, 15th century
Current Location: British Library, London, England, UK
Manuscript Type: Travel Narrative
Language: English
Author: John Mandeville
Illustrated: No
Media: Vellum


'Ye buke of [the voiage and travails of Sir] John Maundeville.' The text differs considerably from that of the printed editions, and the prologue does not include the apocryphal passage found in Cotton MS Titus C XVI, in which the author states that he translated the work from Latin into French, and from French into English. On the fly-leaf, f. 2, is a note by E. Hill, M.D., 22 Mar. 1803; stating that en a leaf of paper, pasted on the inside of the old cover, was written, 'Thys fayre Boke I have fro the Abbey of Saint Albons in thy yeare of our Lord m.cccclxxxx the sixt daye of Apryll. Willyam Caxton,' together with the name of Richard Tottyl, 1579, by whose descendant, the Rev. Hugh Tuthill, the book was given to E. Hill.

[adapted from the British Library description]

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Editions and Facsimiles

None known