
Huntington Library, HM 1076


Produced: England, 2nd half 13th century
Current Location: Huntington Library, San Marino, California, USA
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: Latin
Folios: 199
Author: Isidore of Seville
Illustrated: No
Scribe: Two
Binding: XVII, in English sprinkled calf
Media: Parchment
Script: Gothic book
Dimensions: Height: 32.4 cm Width: 21.9 cm
Sample page - Huntington Library HM 1076
Folio 132v-133r


The Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville.

  • Folios 2r-184r: Etymologiae. Begins: Domino meo et dei servo braulioni episcopo ysidorus omni desiderio desideravi nunc videre faciem tuamæ; Item prologus braulionis ad ysidorum, Domino meo et vere domino christique electo ysidoro episcoporum summer braulio servus inutilis servorum dei. O pie domine... Ends: Explicit ysidorus ethimologiarum in libris xx mirabiliter elaboratus.
  • Folios 185r-186r: Chapter list Primus liber ysidori ethimologiarum habet capitula 78, 1m incipit sic Disciplina a discendo, capitulum discipline liberaliumæ falere instrumenta equorum sunt. The animal chapters are not illustrated.
  • Folios 186r-198v: [Subject index to the Etymologiae in alphabetical order, seldom alphabetized to or beyond the third letter, referring to book and chapter]. Tabula super ysidori ethimologias, Quare A est prior literarum ethimologiarum libro i capitulo...

Illustration in the left column of f. 34r of the sun as a spiral helix design in gold on a blue ground dotted in white; in the right column of the same folio, an illustration of the 7 phases of the moon in gold on a white-dotted blue ground. Major initials, 7- to 4-line, in parted red and blue infilled with elaborate red filigree from which extends red and blue flourishing; 2-line blue initials with red flourishing (guide letters visible); 1-line initials alternating red and blue; initials in the text touched in red. Red and blue paragraph marks. Running headlines across the opening in alternating red and blue letters. Rubrics entered only through quire 5, thereafter spaces reserved; a later hand, s. XIVin (same as on f. 88v?), has made notes in lead in the lower margins for rubrics. Occasional contemporary corrections and marginal index notes; some chapter numbers entered in a later hand.

[Adapted from the Huntington Library catalog]

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Editions and Facsimiles

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Huntington Library (Partial)