
University of Pennsylvania Library, LJS 184


Produced: Southern France or Catalonia, 13th century
Current Location: University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: Latin
Folios: 184
Author: Isidore of Seville
Illustrated: No
Media: Parchment
Script: Early Gothic
Dimensions: Height: 35.6 cm Width: 24.2 cm
Sample page - University of Pennsylvania Library LJS 184
Folio 8r


The Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville. The manuscript is not illustrated.

Encyclopedia with emphasis on word origins, arranged by subject. The manuscript follows the standard division into 20 books, except that Book 3, on mathematics, music, and astronomy, is divided into Books 3 and 4, giving the manuscript a total of 21 books. Additional astronomical material, probably from Bede's De temporum ratione, appears at the end of Book 21 (f. 178v-183v), with the running head of Book 21 continuing to the end of the manuscript.


  1. f.1r-2v: [Prefatory material]
  2. f.3r-16r: Liber I, [De grammatica]
  3. f.16r-26r: Liber II, [De rhetorica et dialectica]
  4. f.26r-31r: Liber III, [De mathematica, De musica]
  5. f.31r-35r: Liber IV, [De astronomia]
  6. f.35r-39r: Liber V, [De medicina]
  7. f.39r-47v: Liber VI, [De legibus et temporibus]
  8. f.47v-57r: Liber VII, [De libris et officiis ecclesiasticis]
  9. f.57r-68r: Liber VIII, [De deo, angelis, et sanctis]
  10. f.68r-77r: Liber IX, [De ecclesia et sectis]
  11. f.77r-87r: Liber X, [De linguis, gentibus, regnis, militia, civibus, affinitatibus]
  12. f.87r-95r: Liber XI, [De vocabulis]
  13. f.95r-102v: Liber XII, [De homine et portentis]
  14. f.102v-114r: Liber XIII, [De animalibus]
  15. f.114r-120v: Liber XIV, [De mundo et partibus]
  16. f.120v-129r: Liber XV, [De terra et partibus]
  17. f.129r-137r: Liber XVI, [De aedificiis et agris]
  18. f.137r-147v: Liber XVII, [De lapidis et metallis]
  19. f.147v-158r: Liber XVIII, [De rebus rusticis]
  20. f.158r-164r: Liber XIX, [De bello et ludis]
  21. f.164r-173v: Liber XX, [De navibus, aedificiis, et vestibus]
  22. f.173v-178v: Liber XXI, [De domo et instrumentis domesticis]
  23. f.178v-183v: [Additions from Bede's De temporum ratione]

[Adapted from the University of Pennsylvania Library catalog]

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