
St John's College (Cambridge) Library, H.11
(Isidorus, etc.)


Produced: England, Late 12th century
Current Location: St John's College (Cambridge) Library, Cambridge, England, UK
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Language: Latin
Folios: 159
Author: Isidore of Seville
Illustrated: No
Media: Vellum
Dimensions: Height: 41.3 cm Width: 27 cm


Works by Isidore of Seville, including part of the Etymologies.

[From James]

Double columns of 51 lines. Late 12th cent., very finely written.

Ex dono Mag. Hugonis Williams filii Gruffini Williams de Penrhyn Arm. 1651.

From Wigmore Priory, Herefordshire. On lower margin of f. 1, in charter hand (xiii) : Liber ecclesie S. Iacobi de Wygemore. Si quis igitur illum ab eodem monasterio alienauerit uel hunc titulum maliciose deleuerit anathema sit donec resipiscat et ad dignam satisfactionem perueniat. Amen. Isidori Etymologiae. Inc. liber primus ethimologiarum S. Ysidori archiep. Hyspalensis. Disciplina a discendo (LXXXII 73).

Fine initial in flat colors and white scroll-work on pink and yellow grounds resembling those in no. 209. Lib. II has an exceedingly fine initial in outline only. Libb. III-VII in color as Lib. I. Lib. VIII outline. Lib. IX in color. At end of Lib IX two full-page tables of affinity. The first has at top a bust of Christ with two swords proceeding (hilt foremost) from his mouth : down the sides are more heads. Lib. X initial in outline, XI in color, XII in outline. Christ above half-length in a medallion. Below, Adam surrounded by beasts, birds and fish. XIII outline with head of Christ. XIV outline. XV color. XVI outline (color begun) : large. XVII, XVIII outline. XIX outline and color : man fighting dragon. XX outline. Ends 124b : ignis ardore siccetur. Expl. Lib. ethimolog. b. ysidori hispal. archiep. ... A circular map showing the winds and little else ... A large circular labyrinth in red and green... A circular map, rubbed, showing Ossa, Pelion, Olympus and a few other names.

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