
Bibliothèque patrimoniale Villon (BM Rouen), 1468


Produced: 13th century
Current Location: Bibliothèque patrimoniale Villon (BM Rouen), Rouen, France
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Physiologus Version: Unclassified
Aviary Group: None
Language: Latin
Folios: 381
Illustrated: No
Media: Parchment
Dimensions: Height: 18.6 cm Width: 12.2 cm


There are three text of interest in this manuscript.

  • Folio 135v-137r: De naturis avium. Unum autem genus avium, sed genus diversum... Probably the De avibus of Hugh of Fouilloy, or excerpts from it.
  • Folio 137r-157v: Physiologus, or possibly the bestiary ascribed to Hugh of St Victor. Liber de natura quorumdam animalium et lapidum et quid significetur per eam... De prima virtute leonis regis animalium. De natura leonis bestiarum...
  • Folio 158r-174r: Excerpts from the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, books 12-15.

The combination of the De avibus and a version of the Physiologus and/or a bestiary is called the De bestiis et aliis rebus, usually (and incorrectly) attributed to Hugh of Saint Victor.

Additional Descriptions

Additional description 1
Additional description 2
Additional description 3 (page 436-439)

Editions and Facsimiles

None known