Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter, Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis b III 22
Produced: | 14th century |
Current Location: | Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter, Salzburg, Austria |
Manuscript Type: | Miscellany |
Physiologus Version: | Unclassified |
Language: | Latin |
Folios: | 143 |
Illustrated: | No |
A version of the Latin Physiologus is on folio 136r-143v. Title Descriptio naturae duodecim animalium, incipit Tres leo naturas et tres habet inde figuras.
The title and incipit suggest this is the Latin verse Physiologus attributed to Theobaldus, but this is unverified.
Additional Descriptions
Editions and Facsimiles
None known