
Bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Avranches, Ms. 28


Produced: 12th-13th century
Current Location: Bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Avranches, Avranches, Avranches
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Physiologus Version: Unclassified
Language: Latin
Folios: 232
Illustrated: No
Media: Parchment
Dimensions: Height: 24 cm Width: 16 cm
Sample page - Bibliothèque patrimoniale d'Avranches Ms. 28
Folio 179r


There is a Latin Physiologus on folio 179r-180r.

Bibliothèque virtuelle du Mont Saint-Michel catalog

Treatise on the properties of animals, inspired by Physiologus, with many elements independent of the bestiary tradition. “It is a work of piety. Each animal, by its habits, provides considerations for the conduct of life. Thus the demon seizes us, as the hedgehog throws itself on the grapes which he dropped from the vine, etc." (Delisle). This bestiary is close to version B of the Latin Physiologus, but only presents 28 animals out of the 36 or 37 chapters that usually found in B, and in a completely different order.

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Bibliothèque virtuelle du Mont Saint-Michel