
Badische Landesbibliothek, Cod. Aug. perg. 96
(De universo libri I-XI)


Produced: 9th-10th century
Current Location: Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: Latin
Folios: 234
Author: Rabanus Mauris
Illustrated: No
Media: Parment
Dimensions: Height: 31.7 cm Width: 24.1 cm
Sample page - Badische Landesbibliothek Cod. Aug. perg. 96
Folio P.


The De universo or De rerum naturis, an encyclopedia by Rabanus Maurus. Includes only books 1 to 11. This manuscript is paired with Badische Landesbibliothek, Cod. Aug. perg. 68, which contains books 12 to 22.

Cod. Aug. perg. 96 amd Cod. Aug. perg. 68 are the manuscripts used by Schipper for his edition/transcription.

The manuscript does not have folio numbers; the pages are individually numbered from 1 to 468. These page numbers are used below.

Book 7, chapter 8 (domestic animals) is on page 283-309.

Book 8 (animals, fish, birds, serpents) is on page 309-.

  1. Animals (De bestiis) : page 309-320
  2. Small animals (De minutis animantibus) : page 320-323
  3. Serpents (De serpentibus) : page 323-333
  4. Worms (De vermibus) : page 333-335
  5. Fish (De piscibus) : page 335-341
  6. Birds (De avibus) : page 341-361
  7. Small birds (De minutis avibus) : page 361-364

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Badische Landesbibliothek