
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Ms-1031
(Liber medicinae ex animalibus / Herbals)


Produced: France?, 14th century
Current Location: Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Paris, France
Manuscript Type: Herbal
Language: Latin/French
Folios: 74
Author: Sextus Placitus
Illustrated: Yes
Media: Parchment
Dimensions: Height: 27.6 cm Width: 20 cm
Sample page - Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal Ms-1031
Folio 67r


The Liber medicinae ex animalibus by Sextus Placitus is on folio 63e-71r. It is a treatise on the use of animals in medicine. It is illustrated with numerous line drawings of animals.

A treatise on birds (Hic incipit tractatus quartus de avibus) is on folio 71r-74r, dealing with medicinal uses of birds. Illustrated with line drawings.

Also contains a herbal and a treatise on medicinal herbs for women (De herbis femininis), attributed to Dioscorides.

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Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal