
Bibliothèque Municipale de Tours, MS 703
(Livre des propriétés des choses)


Produced: France, ca 1480-1490
Current Location: Bibliothèque Municipale de Tours, Tours, France
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: French
Folios: 446
Author: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Illustrated: Yes
Media: Paper
Dimensions: Height: 39 cm Width: 29 cm
Sample page - Bibliothèque Municipale de Tours MS 703
Folio 201v


The De proprietatibus rerum, an encyclopedia by Bartholomaeus Anglicus, in the French translation by Jean Corbechon (Livre des propriétés des choses).

The manuscript is illustrated with half page images at the start of each book. Book 12 (birds) and Book 18 (animals) have composite images illustrating several birds/animals in naturalistic settings. The individual birds and animals are not illustrated. Book 13 on water (and fish) has an image showing fish in the water an animals on shore.

On folio 219r-229v is an alphabetic table of subjects, probably added when the manuscript was bound.

  • Book 12 (birds) : folio 201v-218v
  • Book 13, chapter 26 (fish) : 239r-242v
  • Book 18 (animals) : folio 363v-417r

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Editions and Facsimiles

Digital facsimiles

ARCA - Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM)
ARCA - Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM) (Partial, extracted images)