
British Library, Royal MS 17 E III
(Livre des proprietez des choses)


Produced: France, Early 15th century
Current Location: British Library, London, England, UK
Manuscript Type: Encyclopedia
Language: French
Folios: 320
Author: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Illustrated: Yes
Media: Parchment
Dimensions: Height: 37.5 cm Width: 28.5 cm


Livre des proprietez des choses (De proprietatibus rerum) by Bartholomaeus Anglicus, in the French translation by Jean Corbechon.

There are illustrations at the start of each book, including folio 154r (Book 12): eagle, swan, stork, and cock; folio 175r: animals; folio 264r (Book 18): lion, bear, boar, stag, leopard, horse, unicorn, camel, and sheep. The individual chapters are not illustrated.

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Editions and Facsimiles

None known