
Corpus Christi College Parker Library, MS 400
(Topographia Hiberica)


Produced: 13th century
Current Location: Corpus Christi College Parker Library, Cambridge, England, UK
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Language: Latin
Folios: 153
Author: Gerald of Wales
Illustrated: No
Media: Vellum
Dimensions: Height: 22.3 cm Width: 14.9 cm
Sample page - Corpus Christi College Parker Library MS 400
Folio 5r


The Topographia Hiberniae by Gerald of Wales is on folio 5r-45v. Not illustrated except for an image of a centaur in an initial. This is version 2 of the text, with additions from version 3.

Adapted from the Parker Library catalog description:

MS 400 is formed from four manuscripts, the first three of which contain tracts by Gerald of Wales. They contain an early thirteenth-century second edition of his Topographia Hiberniae with additions from the third edition; a highly flawed sixteenth-century copy of the Descriptio Kambriae; and early thirteenth-century copies of Retractationes, Catalogus brevior librorum suorum, De iure et statu Meneuensis ecclesiae, and Verses. The latter two texts in particular are good versions. The final pages of the manuscript contain a late thirteenth-century copy of the verses from the windows in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral which M. R. James identified as the source for the copy on a roll held by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury.

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Corpus Christi College Parker Library (Hosted by Stanford University Library)