
National Library of Ireland, MS 700
(Topographia Hibernica / Expugnatio Hibernia)


Produced: England
Current Location: National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Manuscript Type: Travel Narrative
Language: Latin
Folios: 99
Author: Gerald of Wales
Illustrated: Yes
Media: Parchment
Sample page - National Library of Ireland MS 700
Folio 11v


Two texts by Gerald of Wales.

The Topographia Hibernica, Gerald's travels through Ireland, is on folio 1r-48v. There are a few colored animal illustrations in the margins. The images are mostly small and many are poorly drawn, and they do not always align with the text they are illustrating; some are not even on the same page.

The Expugnatio Hibernica, on the conquest of Ireland by England, is on folio 49r-98v. Illustrated with a map of Ireland.

Additional Descriptions

Additional description 1
Additional description 2

Editions and Facsimiles

Digital facsimiles

National Library of Ireland
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies