
Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Ms. 531-39
(Speculum Humanae Salvationis / De avibus)


Produced: Cologne?, c. 1450
Current Location: Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Brussels, Belgium
Manuscript Type: Miscellany
Aviary Group: None
Language: Latin
Folios: 483
Illustrated: No
Media: Paper
Dimensions: Height: 22.5 cm Width: 30 cm


There is an extract from a bestiary or aviary on folio 481v-483r, attributed to Hugh of Saint Victor (actually by Hugh of Fouilloy). It is not illustrated and includes only the first 27 chapters.

Additional Descriptions

Additional description (PDF, page 381-386 and Notice 344: page 474-475)

Editions and Facsimiles

None known