
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fr. 1580
(Le Roman de Renart)


Produced: Paris, 1310-1315
Current Location: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France
Manuscript Type: Fables
Language: French
Folios: 147
Illustrated: Yes
Illustrator: Master of Thomas de Maubeuge
Media: Parchment
Script: Gothic
Dimensions: Height: 31.5 cm Width: 23 cm
Sample page - Bibliothèque Nationale de France fr. 1580
Folio 20r


The Romance of Reynard the Fox in French verse. Illustrated with 11 small (column width) full color paintings, plus one marginal image. The illustrations are the start of each of the 12 fables, except the first one, suggesting there may be a folio missing at the start. Three of the illustrations do not involve animals (a woman reading, the wheel of fortune, a castle).

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Bibliothèque Nationale de France