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Digital Text Library Catalog

The digital text catalog below is initially listed by title in alphabetical order, but you can click on any column header to sort by that column.

Title Author Year
An Account of the Mermecoleon or Ant-lion Druce 1923
Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture Evans 1896
Animals in English Wood Carving Druce 1914
Beast Imagery and the Bestiary Kemp-Welch 1903
Bestiaire d'amour en vers Långfors 1924
Le Bestiaire de Gervaise Meyer 1872
Bestiaries and Lapidaries Kuhns 1896
The Bestiary James 1931
The Bestiary (Eton College Speech) James 1932
A Bestiary (Middle English Physiologus) Wright 1845
The Bestiary of Guillaume le Clerc Druce 1936
The Bestiary of Philippe de Thaon Wright 1841
De bestiis et aliis rebus (1526) Ps. Hugh of St Victor 1526
De bestiis et aliis rebus (1648) Ps. Hugh of St Victor 1648
De bestiis et aliis rebus (1854) Migne 1854
Birds And Beasts of the Greek Anthology Douglas 1928
The Caladrius and its Legend, Sculptured Upon the
Twelfth-Century Doorway of Alne Church, Yorkshire
Druce 1912
The Early English Bestiary Morris 1872
The Elephant in Medieval Legend and Art Druce 1919
An Encyclopedist Of The Dark Ages: Isidore Of Seville Brehaut 1912
The Fabulous Natural History of the Middle Ages Wright 1845
Hildeberti Cenomanensis Episcopi Physiologus Migne 1854
The History of Reynard the Fox Morley/Caxton 1889
Icelandic Physiologus Möbius 1877
Introduction to Queen Mary's Psalter:
Miniatures And Drawings by an English Artist of the 14th Century
Reproduced from Royal MS. 2 B. VII in the British Museum
Warner 1912
Jacob and the Mandrakes Frazer 1917
On the Legend of the Serra or Saw-Fish Druce 1919
Libellus de Natura Animalium Davis 1508+
The Medieval Bestiaries and their Influence on
Ecclesiastical Decorative Art
Druce 1919+
The Medieval Bestiaries Allen 1885
Melanges d'archeologie, d'histoire et de littérature - Bestiaire Cahier 1847+
On the Norman Doorway at Alne in Yorkshire Allen 1886
Notes on Birds in Medival Church Architecture Druce 1914
Notice sur les manuscrits du "Liber floridus"
de Lambert de Saint-Omer
Deslisle 1906
Les Oeuvrese de Hugues de Saint-Victor
(De bestils et aliis rebus)
Haureu 1886
The Old English Physiologus Cook/Pitman 1921
The Phoenix Cook 1902
Physica : Subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum Hildegard 1882
Physiologus Latinus Versio Y Carmody 1944
Physiologus: A Metrical Bestiary Of Twelve Chapters Rendell 1928
On the Religious Symbolism of the Unicorn Hirst 1884
Reynard the Fox Guerber 1896
S. P. N. Epiphanii, Episcopi Constantiæ Cypri, ad Physiologum Migne 1864
Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and Their Sources Collins 1940
Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented
in English Church Architecture
Collins 1913
The Symbolism of the Goat on the Norman Font at Thames Ditton Druce 1908
Der Waldensian Physiologus Mayer 1890