Digital Text

Bestiaire d'amour en vers

Edited by Arthur Långfors

Mémoires de la Société néo-philologique de Helsingfors, Volume 7, pages 291-317

About this Text

The thirteenth century Bestiaire d'amour by Richard de Fournival is not a traditional bestiary, but uses bestiary themes and animal descriptions for other purposes. The text is an edition and transcription of the verse version of the with introductory note and a glossary of old French words. The only manuscript containing the verse Bestiaire is Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fr. 25545.


The print editon was published in 1924. This file is the Långfors section of the book Mémoires de la Société néo-philologique de Helsingfors, which contains several other unrelated texts. The book was digitized by Google, and is in the public domain. Only the page images are included in this file; for other formats see the full digital text.

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