The Bestiary
Eton College Natural History Society Annual Report 1930-31, pages 12-16
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Full edition (formatted, with illustrations - 2000 KB file)
Text-only edition (formatted, no illustrations - 113 KB file)
Plain text edition (No formatting, no illustrations, Unicode UTF-8 character set - 19 KB file)
About this Text
This article is a general introduction to the genre of the medieval bestiary. It appears to have been originally delivered as a speech, though the date and location is unknown.
The print edition of this text was published in London in 1931; the digital edition was created from the original in 2003 by Rosemary Pardoe and David Badke. Rosemary is the editor of the The The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter web site. The original print edition by M. R. James (1862-1936) is believed to be in the public domain under Canadian copyright law.