Archive for the 'Site notes' Category

Thanks, and an Explanation

Thanks to those who have sent me new information, updates and corrections. All such assistance is greatly appreciated. So why have you not seen your contributions online? Well… I am just one old man with database that needs to be updated, and that takes time. I have an enormous backlog of stuff waiting to be […]

Filed in Site notes No Responses yet

An update … and statistics!

I updated the Bestiary site today. If you are wondering why I update so infrequently, well… it’s a lot of work! This update is mostly about images, with an addition of about 400 from various sources. I have decided to use whatever images I can get my hands on; previously I was only using public […]

Filed in Site notes,What's new One Response so far

The wall of beasts

Update January 12, 2022: Cooliris no longer exists, so no more Wall of Beasts. Imagine you are standing in front of a wall. If you look to your left or right, you can see that the wall stretches out far into the hazy distance. On the wall are arranged a series of pictures, all of […]

Filed in Site notes,What's new 2 Comments so far