
Bibliography Index - By Author


Aberdeen University

The Aberdeen Bestiary Project (Aberdeen University, 1996) Seen by bibliographer [Web page]

Dmitri Abramov

Die moralisierende Enzyklopädie 'Liber de naturis rerum' von Pseudo-John Folsham (in Christel Meier, ed., Die Enzyklopädie im Wandel vom Hochmittelalter bis zur frühen Neuzeit, München: Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften 78, 2002, page 123-154) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Paul Acker

The Bird and Animal Captions in the Pepysian Sketchbook (Colorado: English Language Notes, 2000; Series: Volume 38, Issue 2) Seen by bibliographer

Vladimir Acosta

Animales e imaginario: la zoología maravillosa medieval (Caracas: Dirección de Cultura, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1995; Series: Colección Letras de Venezuela 125; Serie Ensayo) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

M W Adamson

Claudius Aelianus, Gregory McNamee, trans

Aelian’s On the Nature of Animals (Trinity University Press, 2011) Seen by bibliographer

Claudius Aelianus, A. F. Scholfield, trans.

On the Nature of Animals (London: Harvard University Press, 1958-59; Series: Loeb classical library) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Aesop, William Caxton, trans.; Robert T. Lenaghan, ed.

Caxton’s Aesop (Harvard University Press, 1967) Seen by bibliographer

Aesop, Joseph Jacobs, ed.

The Fables of Aesop (New York: Macmillan & Co., 1922) Seen by bibliographer

Aesop, V.S Vernon Jones, trans.

Aesop's Fables; a new translation (New York: Avenel Books, 1912) Seen by bibliographer

Aesop, John Lock

Aesop, John R. Long

Aesop's Fables Online Collection (John R. Long, 1997) Seen by bibliographer

Aesop, Ben Edwin Perry, ed.

Aesopica: A Series of Texts Relating to Aesop or Ascribed to Him (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2007) Seen by bibliographer

Aesop, Olivia & Robert Temple, trans.

Aesop: The Complete Fables (London: Penguin Books, 1998) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Aesop, George Fyler Townsend, trans.

Aesop's Fables (Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co., 1887) Seen by bibliographer

Three Hundred Æsop's Fables (G. Routledge and Sons, 1867) Seen by bibliographer

Karl Ahrens

Buch der Naturgegenstände (Kiel: C.F. Haeseler, 1892) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Pauline Aiken

The Animal History of Albertus Magnus and Thomas of Cantimpré (Speculum, 22 (April), 1947, page 205-225) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Haydar Akin

Albertus Magnus

De animalibus (Catholic Library) Seen by bibliographer

De animalibus (Johannes und Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1495) Not seen, considered reliable

Diui Alberti Magni de Animalibus Libri vigintisex Nouissime impressi (Venice: Joannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio / Octauiani Scoti, 1495, 1519) Seen by bibliographer

Incipit liber Alberti magni animalium ... (per Paulum Johan[n]is de Butschbach alamanum Paul von Butzbach, 1479) Seen by bibliographer

The secrets of Albertus Magnus : of the vertues of herbs, stones, and certain beasts. (London: Printed by M.H. and J.M. and are to be sold by J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, & T. Passinger, 1691) Seen by bibliographer

Albertus Magnus, Irven M. Resnick and Kenneth F. Kitchell Jr., trans.

Albertus Magnus, on Animals: A Medieval Summa Zoologica (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2018) Not seen, considered reliable

Questions concerning Aristotle's on Animals (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2008; Series: The Fathers of the Church : A New Translation) Not seen, considered reliable

Albertus Magnus, James J. Scanlan, trans.

Man and the Beasts (de Animalibus, Books 22-26) (New York: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies (SUNY), 1987; Series: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Volume 47) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Albertus Magnus, Hermann Stadler, ed.

De animalibus libri XXVI (Munich: Beitäge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, 1916-20; Series: Volumes 15 & 16) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Rosa Alcoy

R. McN. Alexander

The Evolution of the Basilisk (Greece & Rome, Second series, 10:2 (October), 1963, page 170-181) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Monique Alexandre

Bestiaire chretien: Mort, renovation, resurrection dans le Physiologus; Actes du Colloque de Poitiers, 13-14 mai 1983 (in Francois Jouan, ed., Mort et fecondite dans les mythologies: Travaux et memoires, Paris: Belles Lettres, 1986, page 119-137) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Gloria Allaire

Animal descriptions in Andrea da Barberino's Guerrino meschino (Romance Philology, 56:1, 2002, page 23-39) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

New Evidence Toward Identifying Dante's Enigmatic Lonza (Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America, 1997) Seen by bibliographer [Digital article]

John Romilly Allen

Early Christian Symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland before the Thirteenth Century (London: Whiting & Co., 1887; Series: The Rhind Lectures in Archeology) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

On the Norman Doorway at Alne in Yorkshire (London: Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1886; Series: Volume XLII) Seen by bibliographer

Norman Sculpture and the Medieval Bestiaries (Dyfed, Wales: Llanerch Publishers, 1990; Series: Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1885) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Judy Allen, Jeanne Griffiths

The Book of the Dragon (Secaus, NJ: Chartwell Books, 1979) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Lillian Graham Allen

An analysis of the medieval French bestiaries (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1935) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Margaret Allen, Beryl Rowland & Arthur Adamson

Bestiary (Winnipeg: St. John's College Press, University of Manitoba, 1984) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Philip S. Allen

Turteltaube (Modern Language Notes, 19:6 (June), 1904, page 175-177) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Jeffrey L. Allport

Three early Christian interpretations of nature and scripture: the Physiologus, Origen, and Basil (Princeton: Princeton Theological Seminary, 1984) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Bo Almqvist

Waterhorse Legends (MLSIT 4086 & 4086B): The Case for and against a Connection between Irish and Nordic Tradition (An Cumann Le Béaloideas Éireann/Folklore of Ireland Society, 1991; Series: Iml. 59, The Fairy Hill Is on Fire! Proceedings of the Symposium on the Supernatural in Irish and Scottish Migratory Legends) Seen by bibliographer

Klaus Alpers

Untersuchungen zum griechischen Physiologus und den Kyraniden (Hamburg: Friedrich Wittig Verlag, 1984) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Saint Ambrose, John J. Savage, trans.

Hexameron, Paradise, and Cain and Abel (New York: Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1961; Series: The Fathers of the Church, 42) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Saint Ambrose, C. Schenkl, ed.

Hexaemeron (Vienna: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 1937; Series: Vol XXXII, Part 1) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Manuel Ambrosio Sanchez

Los bestiarios en la predicacion castellana medieval (in Actas del III Congreso de la Asociacion Hispanica de Literatura Medieval, I II., Salamanca, Spain: Biblioteca Espanola del Siglo XV, Departamento de Literatura Espanola e Hispanoamericana, 1994, page 915-921) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Ambrogio Amelli

Miniature sacre e profane dell'anno 1023, illustranti l'enciclopedia medioevale di Rabano Mauro, riprodotte in 133 tavole cromolitografiche da un codice di Montecassino [no 132] (Montecassino: Tipo-litografia di Montecassino, 1896; Series: Documenti per la storia della miniatura e dell'iconografia) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Beatrice Amelotti

Sahar Amer

A Fox Is Not Always a Fox! Or How Not to Be a Renart in Marie de France's "Fables" (Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 51:1, 1997, page 9-20) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Pierre Amiet

Amots Dafni, et al

M. D. Anderson

Animal Carvings in British Churches (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

History and Imagery in British Churches (London: John Murray, 1971) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

The Imagery of British Churches (London: John Murray, 1955) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

The Medieval Carver (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1935) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Misericords: Medieval Life in English Woodcarving (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1954) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Susan Anderson

Mirrors and Fears: Humans in the Bestiary (Arizona State University, 2004) Not seen, considered reliable

Lawrens Andrewe, Frederick J. Furnivall

Lawrens Andrewe, James L. Matterer, trans.

Fantastic Fish of the Middle Ages ( Seen by bibliographer [Web page]

Marie Angel

Beasts in Heraldry: Twenty Heraldic Creatures in Full Color (USA: The Stephen Greene Press, 1974) Not seen, reliability unknown [Book]

Marcel Angheben

Le combat du guerrier contre un animal fantastique: a propos de trois chapiteaux de Vezelay (Bulletin monumental, 152:3, 1994, page 245-256) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]


A Book of Creatures (A Book of Creatures, 2023) Seen by bibliographer


Dialogus creaturarum moralizatus (in J.G.Th. Grässe, L.A.J.R. Houwen. ed., Die beiden ältesten lateinischen Fabelbücher des Mittelalters, Tübingen, 1880, page 125-280) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Ver Antik

Simbolikata na 'Fiziologot' i naseto narodno tvorestvo (Midwest Folklore, 4 (7-8), 1971, page 47-67) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Luboš Antonín

Maria Experanza Aragones Estella

The Image of Evil in Romanesque Art of the Way of Saint James in Navarra (Navarra: Universidad de Navarra, 1994) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Luisa Cogliati Arano

Dal "Fisiologo" al "Bestiario" di Leonardo (Rivista di storia della miniatura, 1:2 (1996-97), 1998, page 239-248) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Fonti figurative del Bestiario di Leonardo (Arte lombarda: Rivista di storia dell'arte, n.s.62, 1982, page 151-160) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Alexandra Ardeleanu-Jansen

Der bunte Söller von Schloss Streversdorp/Château Graaf : Überlegungen zu einem spätmittelalterlichen Raumprogramm (in Burg- und Schlosskapellen, Stuttgart: K. Theiss, 1995, page 109-117) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Aristotle, Richard Cresswell, trans.

Aristotle's History of Animals in Ten Books (London: George Bell, 1887) Seen by bibliographer

Aristotle, D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, trans.

The History of Animals (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910) Seen by bibliographer

Carmen Elen Armijo

El bestiario medieval: Una clave para la interpretacion del Libro de los gatos (in Lillian von der Walde, Concepcion Company & Aurelio Gonzalez, ed., Caballeros, monjas y maestros en la Edad Media: Actas de las V Jornadas Medievales, Mexico City: Medievalia 13: Colegio de Mexico, University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1996, page 205-219) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Mary Allyson Armistead

The Middle English Physiologus: A Critical Translation and Commentary (Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University, 2001) Seen by bibliographer [Dissertation]

Peter Armour

Griffins (in John Cherry, ed., Mythical Beasts, London: British Museum Press/Pomegranite Artbooks, 1995, page 72-103) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Lilian Armstrong

The Illustration of Pliny's Historia naturalis: Manuscripts before 1430 (Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 46, 1983, page 19-39) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Arnoldus Saxo, Emil Stange, ed.

M. Arnott, I. Beavan, J. Geddes

The Aberdeen Bestiary: an Online Medieval Text (Computers & Texts [CTI Textual Studies Newsletter], 11, 1996) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

W. Geoffrey Arnott

Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z (New York: Routledge, 2012) Seen by bibliographer

José Julio García Arranz

Cecco d'Ascoli

L'Acerba (Intangible Press, 2010) Seen by bibliographer

L'Acerba (Wentworth Press, 2016) Seen by bibliographer

L'Acerba (Biblioteca dei Classici Italiani di Giuseppe Bonghi, 1996) Seen by bibliographer

Cecco d'Ascoli, Marco Albertazzi, ed.

Acerba età (La Finestra editrice, 2002) Seen by bibliographer

Cecco d'Ascoli, A. Crespi, ed.

L'Acerba (La Vita Felice, 2011) Seen by bibliographer

Cecco d'Ascoli, Giampiero Giorgi, ed.

L'Acerba (Un Passo avanti, 2019) Seen by bibliographer

Cecco d'Ascoli, Diane Murphy, trans.

The Bitter Age (Ascoli Piceno, Italy: Capponi Editore, 2015) Seen by bibliographer

Cecco d'Ascoli, Pasquale Rosario

L'Acerba etas (Lanciano, 1916) Seen by bibliographer

S. P. Ashby

The Role of Zooarchaeology in the Intepretation of Socioeconomic Status: A Discussion with Reference to Medieval Europe (in A. Pluskowski, ed., Medieval Animals, Cambridge: Archaeological Review from Cambridge 18, 2002, page 37-59) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Genette Ashby-Beach

Les Fables de Marie de France: Essai de Grammaire Narrative (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Epopee Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Societe Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 13-28) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

John Ashton

Curious Creatures in Zoology (New York: Cassel Publishing, 1890) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

J. W. H. Atkins

Early English Translation (Cambrideg: Cambridge University Press, 1907; Series: Cambridge History of English Literature, Volume 1) Seen by bibliographer

Aaron Atsma

Augustine, Philip Schaff, ed.

St. Augustine's City of God and Christian Doctrine (Buffalo, NY: The Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1897; Series: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 2) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Sami Aydin

The Syriac Tradition of the Physiologus (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021; Series: The Multilingual Physiologus. Studies in the Oldest Greek Recension and Its Translations) Seen by bibliographer

Marino Ayerra Redin, Nilda Guglielmi

El fisiologo; bestiario medieval (Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Beunos Aires, 1971; Series: Coleccion los fundamentales) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Kerry Ayre

Medieval English Figurative Roundels (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003; Series: Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Great Britain, Summary Catalogue) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Janet Backhouse

Medieval Birds in the Sherborne Missal (Toronto / London: University of Toronto Press / British Library, 2001) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

David Badke

The Bestiary of Anne Walshe (David Badke, 2001) Seen by bibliographer [Web page]

The Old English Physiologus in the Exeter Book (David Badke, 2002) Seen by bibliographer [Digital article]

Jana Bailey

Lorrayne Y. Baird

Christus gallinaceus: A Chaucerian Enigma; or the Cock as Symbol for Christ in the Middle Ages (Studies in Iconography, 9, 1983, page 19-39) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

The Role of the Cock in Fertility and Eroticism in Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages" (Studies in Iconography, 7-8, 1981-2, page 81-112) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Sevde Bakaner

Craig Baker

Le Bestiaire, Version longue attribuée à Pierre de Beauvais (Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, 2010; Series: Classiques français du Moyen Age, N°163.1 vol.) Not seen, considered reliable

Nicolas Balachov, Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed.

Le Developement des Structures Narratives du Fabliau a la Nouvelle (Presses Universitaires de France, Epopee Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Societe Internationale Renardienne, 1984, page 29-37) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Dean R. Baldwin

Genre and Meaning in the Old English Phoenix (The Bulletin of the West Virginia Association of College English Teachers, Spring; 6:1-2, 1981, page 2-12) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Anthony Bale

Fictions of Judaism in England before 1290 (in The Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary and Archaeological Perspectives, 2003, page 129-144) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Carol Falkenstine Bales

Theresa Bane

A. A. Barb

Birds and Magic: 1. The Eagle-Stone; 2. The Vulture Epistle (Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 13, 1950, page 316-322) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Peter M. Barber, Michelle P. Brown

The Aslake World Map (Imago Mundi, 44, 1992, page 24-44) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Richard H. Barber, ed.

Richard H. Barber, Anne Riches

A Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts (London: Boydell Press, 1996) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Felice Bariola

Cecco d'Ascoli e l'Acerba. Saggio (Florence: Tipographia della Gazzetta d'Italia, 1879) Seen by bibliographer

Nicholas Barker, ed.

Jean-François Barnaud

Le Bestiaire vieil-anglais : étude et traduction de textes animaliers dans la poésie vieil-anglaise (Paris: Association des médiévistes anglicistes de l'enseignement supérieur, 2001; Series: Publications de l'Association des médiévistes anglicistes de l'enseignement supérieur; Hors série 7) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Charles Barret

The Bunyip And Other Mythical Monsters And Legends (Melbourne: Reed & Harris, 1946) Not seen, reliability unknown [Book]

James H. Barrett, Natalia Khamaiko, Anne Karin Hufthammer, Albína Hulda Pálsdóttir, et. al.

Walruses on the Dnieper: new evidence for the intercontinental trade of Greenlandic ivory in the Middle Ages (Proceedings of the Royal Society, 2022; Series: Volume 289, Issue 1972) Seen by bibliographer

Bartholomaeus Anglicus

Liber de proprietatibus rerum Bartholomei anglici (Drucker des Jordanus de Quedlinburg, 1483) Seen by bibliographer

Proprietates rerum domini bartholomei anglici (Heinrich Knoblochtzer, 1488) Seen by bibliographer

De proprietatibus rerum (Lugduni: Nicolaus Philippi (Pistoris) et Marcus Reinhardi, 1482) Seen by bibliographer

De proprietatibus rerum (Antonius Koberger, 1492) Seen by bibliographer

De proprietatibus rerum (Basel: Berthold Ruppel, 1470) Seen by bibliographer

Van den proprieteyten der dinghen (Haarlem: Jacob Bellaert, 1485) Seen by bibliographer

Tractatus de proprietatibus rerum (Lyon: Nicolaus Philippi; Markus Reinhart, 1480) Seen by bibliographer

Tractatus de proprietatibus rerum (Köln: Johann Koelhoff, 1481) Seen by bibliographer

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Stephen Batman

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Vinçente de Burgos, trans.

El libro de proprietatibus rerum (Heirich Meyer, 1494) Seen by bibliographer

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Jean Corbechon, trans.

Livre de proprietes des choses (Lyon, France: Guillaume Le Roy, 1487) Seen by bibliographer

Le proprietaire des choses (Lyon: Matthias Huss, 1485) Seen by bibliographer

Le propriétaire des choses (Jean Siber, 1495) Seen by bibliographer

Le propriétaire en françoys (Paris: Antoine Vérard, 1493, 1499) Seen by bibliographer

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Bernard Ribémont, ed.

Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Michael Seymour, ed.

László Bartosiewicz, ed., Alice Mathea Choyke, ed.

Medieval Animals On The Move: Between Body And Mind (Springer Nature (Palgrave Macmillan), 2021) Seen by bibliographer

Karl Bartsch

Provenzalisches Lesebuch / Chrestomathie provençale (Eberfeld: R. L. Frederichs, 1855, 1868) Seen by bibliographer

Basil the Great, Blomfield Jackson, trans.

Hexaemeron (Christian Literature Publishing Co, 1895; Series: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Volume 8) Seen by bibliographer

Jean Batany

Animalite et Typologie Sociale: Quelques Paralleles Medievaux (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Epopee Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Societe Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 39-54) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Michael Bath

The Serpent-Eating Stag in the Renaissance (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 55-69) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Leah Batterham

Otto Baur

Priscilla Bawcutt

The Lark in Chaucer and Some Later Poets (Yearbook of English Studies, 2, 1972, page 5-12) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Ron Baxter

A baronial bestiary. Heraldic evidence for the patronage of MS. Bodley 764 (Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50, 1987, page 196-200) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Bestiaries and their Users in the Middle Ages (Phoenix Mill, UK: Sutton Publishing, 1998) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Learning from Nature: Lessons in Virtue and Vice in the Physiologus and Bestiaries (in Colum Hourihane, ed., Virtue & vice: the personifications in the Index of Christian art, Prionceton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000, page 29-41) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

A study of the Latin bestiary in England: structure and use (London: University of London, 1990; Series: PhD thesis) Not seen, considered reliable

Iain Beavan, M. Arnott, C. A. McLaren

The Nature of the Beast; or, The Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary (Library Hi Tech, 15 no. 3-4, 1997, page 50-55) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Secretary Thomas Reid and the early listing of his manuscripts (Northern Scotland, 16, 1996, page p. 175-85) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Text and illustration: the Digitisation of a Mediaeval Manuscript (Computers and the Humanities, 31, 1997, page 61-67) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Iain Beavan, M.Arnott

Beasts on the Screen: the Digitisation of the Aberdeen Bestiary - a Case Study in Preservation and Digitisation: Principles, Practice, Problems (British Library/NPO, Proceedings of the National Preservation Office Conference, 1998) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Aura Beckhöfer-Fialho

Medieval Bestiaries and the Birth of Zoology (The Antlion Pit, 1996) Seen by bibliographer [Web page]

Robert Bedrosian

Physiologus for Grownups (RobertBedrosian, 2018) Seen by bibliographer

Jeanette Beer

Beasts of Love: Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'amour and a Woman's Response (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Le Bestiaire d'amour en vers (in Medieval Translators and Their Craft, Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, Medieval Institute Publications, 1989, page 285-296) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Le Bestiaire d'amour in Lombardy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007; Series: Florilegium Volume 24, Number 1) Seen by bibliographer

Duel of bestiaries. On Le Bestiaire d'amour by Richard de Fournival, and the anonymous Response appended to it in several manuscripts (in Willene B. Clark & Meradith T. McMunn, ed., Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989, page 96-105) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

A Fourteenth Century Bestiaire d'Amour (Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 4, 1991, page 19-26) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

A Gendered Debate from the Thirteenth Century (New Zealand Journal of French Studies, 23: 2 (November), 2002, page 34-39) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Gendered discourse in two thirteenth-century bestiary texts (Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 3 for 1994-1995, 1995, page 119-128) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Medieval Translators and Their Craft (Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, 1989; Series: Studies in Medieval Culture 25) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

The New Naturalism of Le Bestiaire d'Amour (Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 1988; Series: Volume 1, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

The Response to Richard de Fournival's Bestiaire d'amour (Teaching Language through Literature, 25 (1), 1985, page 3-11) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Woman, authority and the book in the Middle Ages (in Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, 1993, Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1995, page 61-69) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Rüdiger Robert Beer, Charles M. Stern, trans.

Unicorn: Myth and Reality (New York: Mason/Charter, 1977) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Xavier Bellés

Els bestiaris medievals : llibres d'animals i símbols (Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau, 2004; Series: Episodis de la història) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Giovanna Belli

Roger Bellon

Trickery as an Element of the Character of Renart (Forum for Modern Language Studies, January; 22:1, 1986, page 34-52) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

O. V. Belova

Slavianskii bestiarii: slovar’ nazvanii i simvoliki (Moscow: Izd-vo "Indrik", 2000) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

D. Thomas Benediktson

Cambridge University Library L1 1 14, F. 46r-v: A Late Medieval Natural Scientist at Work (Neophilologus, 86:2 (April), 2002, page 171-177) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Philip E. Bennett

Some Doctrinal Implications of the Comput and Bestiaire of Philippe de Thaun (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 95-105) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

J. Benoit

Survivances païennes à Hildesheim autour de l'an Mil (Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 110:1427, 1987, page 191-202) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Robert G. Benson, Susan J. Ridyard

Man and nature in the Middle Ages (Sewanee, Tenn.: University of the South Press, 1995; Series: Sewanee mediaeval studies no. 6) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Janetta Rebold Benton

Gargoyles: Animal Imagery and Artistic Individuality in Medieval Art (in Nona C. Flores, ed., Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996, page 147-165) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages (New York: Abbeville Press, 1992) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Denyse Bérend

La part du lion (in Pierre Dehaye, ed., Le bestiaire: des monnaies des sceaux et des médailles, Paris, 1974, page 25-34) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Nina Berend

Loius-Patrick Bergot

Max L. Berkey, Jr.

Pierre de Beauvais: An Introduction to His Works (Romance Philology, 1965; Series: Vol. 18, No. 4) Seen by bibliographer

Jacques Berlioz & Remy Cordonnier

Le convers et les oiseaux. Monde animal, morale et milieu monastique: le De avibus d'Hugues de Fouilloy (XIIe siecle) (in Rémy Cordonnier, L'homme-animal, histoire d'un face à face, Strasbourg: Adam Biro / Musées de Strasbourg, 2004) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Jacques Berlioz, ed., Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu, ed.

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Massimo Bernabò

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Carlos L Bernárdez, Xosé Ramón Mariño Ferro

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W. Berschin

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Amand Berteloot

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Jacob van Maerlant's 'Der naturen bloeme' und das Umfeld: Vorläufer, Redaktionen, Rezeption (Münster; New York: Waxmann, 2001; Series: Niederlande-Studien 23) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Iván Bertényi

A környezo táj állatvilágának megjelenése a középkori magyar címerekben" (in Táj és történelem. Tanulmányok a történeti ökológia világából (in Táj és történelem. Tanulmányok a történeti ökológia világából, Budapest: Osiris, 2000, page 187-193) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Widmer Berthe

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Thomas W. Best

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Dr. Bethmann

Maurizio Bettini

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Gabriel Bianciotto

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Gabriel Bianciotto, ed., Michel Salvat, ed.

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Bibliothèque Nationale de France

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F. Bibolet

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Jean Bichon

Josseline Bidard

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Frederick M. Biggs

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Not Always Bad News Birds: The Caladrius (British Library, Medieval manuscripts blog, 2013; Series: 12 April 2013) Seen by bibliographer

Bettina Bildhauer, ed., Robert Mills, ed.

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Sandra Billington

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Peter Binkley, ed.

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Gabriel Bise

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Klaus Bitterling

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Zur Quelle des Middle English Bestiary, 649-667 (Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 94:1-2, 1976, page 166-169) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Thetis Blacker, Jane Geddes

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N. F. Blake

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Karen Keiner Blanco

Elaine C. Block

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Bock, Sebastian

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Patricia J. Boehne

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Helmut Boese

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Michelle Bolduc

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Corrado Bologna

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Francis Bond

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Jacques Bonnod

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Sandra Tárraga Bono

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Anna Boreczky

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Jean Henri Bormans

C. A. Bos, B. Baljet

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Robert Bossuat

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Yoan Boudès

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Alixe Bovey

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Jeff Bowersox

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Linda Julian Bowie

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R. Bowler

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Hans Brandhorst

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Ernest Brehaut

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Laurence A. Breiner

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Adam Bremer-McCollum

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K. Brewer

Keagan Brewer

Jean Francois Brichant

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Lester Burbank Bridaham

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Mark Brisbane

Love Letters to Bare Bones: A Comparison of Two Types of Evidence for the Use of Animals in Medieval Novgorod (in Mark Maltby, Medieval Animals, Cambridge: Archaeological Review from Cambridge 18, 2002, page 100-118) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

British Library

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R. van den Broek

Carmen Brown

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Katherine A. Brown

The Vernacular Universe: Gossuin de Metz’s Image du Monde, Translatio Studii, and Vernacular Narrative (Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2013; Series: Volume 44, Issue 2) Not seen, considered reliable

Michele P. Brown

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Robert Brown, Jr.

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Thomas Brown, James Eason, ed.

Laurent Brun

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Gossuin de Metz (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA), 2022) Seen by bibliographer

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Pierre de Beauvais (Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA), 2021) Seen by bibliographer

Richard de Fournival (Archives de Littérature du Moyen Age (ARLIMA), 2022) Seen by bibliographer

Emma Brunner-Traut

Agyptische Mythen im Physiologus (zu Kapitel 26, 25 und 11) (in Wolfgang Helck, ed., Festschrift für Siegfried Schott zu Seinem 70. Geburtstag am 20. August 1967, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1968, page 13-44) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Murray Peabody Brush

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Christian Bruun

Alfredo Bryce Echenique

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Walter Buckl

Megenberg aus zweiter Hand : uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Studien zur Redaktion B des Buchs von den naturlichen Dingen (Hildesheim ; New York: Olms, 1993; Series: Germanistische Texte und Studien, Bd. 42) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

John Bugge

The Virgin Phoenix (Mediaeval Studies, 38, 1976, page 332-350) Not seen, reliability unknown [Journal article]

Curt F. Bühler

Studies in the Early Editions of the "Fiore di virtù" (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958; Series: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America Vol. 49, No. 4 (Fourth Quarter, 1955)) Seen by bibliographer

Kirill Bulychev

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Thierry Buquet

Dyrin, un programme de recherche sur la faune du Grand Nord (University of Caen Normandy, 2017; Series: Les Échos du Craham, 24/01/2017) Seen by bibliographer

Décrire les couleurs de la girafe (Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2021; Series: Dans l’atelier de Michel Pastoureau. Hommages de nombreux amis et collègues) Seen by bibliographer

Fact Checking: Can Ostriches Digest Iron? (Medieval Animal Data Network (blog on, 2013) Seen by bibliographer

La faune exotique dans le Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré. Quels nouveaux apports? (Louvain-la-Neuve: CRAHAM - Centre Michel de Boüard - Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales, 2022; Series: Bilan et perspectives des études sur les encyclopédies médiévales : Orient-Occident, le ciel, l’homme, le verbe, l’animal (Textes, Études, Congrès (33)) Seen by bibliographer

La girafe moralisée (Zürich: XXIe congrès de la société internationale renardienne, 2015) Seen by bibliographer

Le guépard médiéval, ou comment reconnaître un animal sans nom (Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 2011; Series: Volume 23, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

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Les informations relatives à la faune du Nord dans le Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré (RursuSpicae: Transmission des textes et savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge, 2020; Series: 3 (La conversation des encyclopédistes)) Seen by bibliographer

Nouveaux apports des encyclopédies médiévales sur la connaissance de la faune exotique. Le cas de Thomas de Cantimpré (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique: Université catholique de Louvain, 2017; Series: Bilan et perspectives des études sur les encyclopédies médiévales. Orient-Occident, le ciel, l’homme, le verbe, l’animal) Seen by bibliographer

Preventing “Monkey Business”. Fettered Apes in the Middle Ages (Medieval Animal Data Network (blog on, 2013, 2016) Seen by bibliographer

Les "propriétés” des animaux et leur utilisation dans la création des images (Pau, France: University of Pau, 2016; Series: L’école des bêtes) Seen by bibliographer

Martin Villaxide Burgos

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Ch. S. F. Burnett

What is the "Experimentarius" of Bernardus Silvestris? A Preliminary Survey of the Material (Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age, 1977; Series: Volume 44) Seen by bibliographer

E. Jane Burns

Maurice Burton

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Keith Busby

Lawrence Butler

The Labours of the Months and 'The Haunted Tanglewood': aspects of late twelfth-century sculpture in Yorkshire (in R. L. Thomson, ed., A Medieval Miscellany in Honour of Professor John Le Patourel, Leeds: Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Proceedings vol. 18, 1982, page 79-95) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Donal Byrne

Rex imago dei: Charles V of France and the Livre des propriétés des choses (Journal of Medieval History, 1981; Series: Volume 7, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

Auguste Cabanes

La Fauna Monstruosa de las Catedrales Medievales. Estudio preliminar de Tibor Chaminaud y Juan Carlos Licastro (Buenos Aires: Enrique Rueda Editor, 1982; Series: Colección La Biblioteca de las Maravillas) Not seen, reliability unknown [Book]

Charles Cahier, Arthur Martin

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Jean Calvet, Marcel Cruppi

Le Bestiaire de l'antiquité classique (Paris: F. Lanore, 1955) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Le Bestiaire de la littérature francaise (Paris: F. Lanore, 1954) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Michael Camille

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Antonella Campanini

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Thomas P. Campbell

Thematic Unity in the Old English Physiologus (Archiv fur das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 215:130:1, 1978, page 73-79) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Sheila R. Canby

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Matteo Capcasa

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Ellie Capeling

Wild World: Visual Representation of Animals in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (Cambridge: St John's College, University of Cambridge, 2020) Seen by bibliographer

Gian Paolo Caprettini

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Erminio Caprotti

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James P. Carley

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John Leland and the foundations of the Royal Library: the Westminster Inventory of 1542 (Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies, VII, no.1, 18, October, 1989) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Francis J. Carmody

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Brunetto Latini's Tresor: Latin Sources on Natural Science (in 12:3 (July)Speculum, 1937, page 359-366) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Le Diable des Bestiaires (Cahiers de l'Association Internationale de Études françaises, Nos. 3-5, Juillet, 1953, page 79-85) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Latin Sources of Brunetto Latini's World History (Speculum, 11:3 (July), 1936, page 359-370) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

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Physiologus, the very ancient book of beasts, plants and stones, translated from Greek and othe languages (San Francisco: Book Club of California, 1953; Series: Publication no. 85) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Quotations in the Latin Physiologus from Latin Bibles earlier than the Vulgate (University of California Press, University of California Publications in Classical Philology 13:1, 1944, page 1-8) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Francesco Carpaccioni

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Eleanor M. Carr

Some Early Sources of the Medieval Bestiary (New York: New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, 1964) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Annamaria Carrega, Paola Navone

Le Proprietà  degli animali (Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1983; Series: Testi della cultura italiana 5) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Richard Carrington

Mermaids and Mastodons: A Book of Natural & Unnatural History (London: Chatto and Windus, 1957) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Rosa Casapullo, ed.

Cathedral of Girona

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Guglielmo Cavallo

Megan Cavell

William Caxton

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William Caxton, Norman Francis Blake, ed.

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William Caxton

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William Caxton, Oliver H. Prior, ed.

Caxton's Mirrour of the World (England: Kega Paul, Trech, Trubner & Co. / Oxford University Press, 1913; Series: The Early English Text Society) Seen by bibliographer

Luciana Borghi Cedrini

Appunti per la lettura di un bestiario medievale: il Bestiario valdese (Torino: G. Giappichelli, 1976; Series: Corsi universitari) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Mariaserena Cella

Le fonti letterarie della simbologia medievale: i bestiari (in Piero Sanpaolesi, ed., Il Romanico. Atti del Seminario di studi. Villa Monastero di Varenna 8-16 September 1973, Milano: Istituto per la Storia dell'Arte Lombarda, 1976, page 181-190) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Giorgio Celli

Le proprietà degli animali; Bestiario moralizzato di Gubbio; Libellus de natura animalium (Italy: Costa & Nolan, 1983; Series: Testi Della Cultura Italiana 5) Not seen, reliability unknown [Book]

Marta Cendon Fernandez

El pecado en la capilla de San Andres de la catedral de Tui (Quintana, 1, 2002, page 197-209) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Sara Centili

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Massimo Centini

M. G. Challis

Heather Changeri

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Louis Charbonneau-Lassay

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The Bestiary of Christ (New York: Parabola Books, 1991) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Christ the Hunter & the Hunted. A dual symbol from The Bestiary of Christ (Parabola, 16:2 (May), 1991, page 23-25) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Elisabeth Charbonnier

Un Episode Original: La Mort du Loup dans le Livre VII de l'Ysengrimus (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 133-139) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Jarl Charpentier

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Marion Charpier

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John Cherry, ed.

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John Chrysostom

Tatiana Chumakova

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Inju Chung

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Albo Cicade

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Marcello Ciccuto

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René Cintré

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Mattia Cipriani

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La place de Thomas de Cantimpré dans l’encyclopédisme médiéval : les sources du Liber de natura rerum) (Paris:, 2014; Series: Doctoral thesis in History of science, École pratique des hautes étude) Seen by bibliographer

Mattia Cipriani, ed., Nicola Polloni, ed.

Colin Clair

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Anne Clark

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James G. Clark, Frank T. Coulson, Kathryn L. McKinley

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Kenneth Clark

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Willene B. Clark

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Four Latin Bestiaries and De bestiis et aliis rebus (Louvain-la-Neuve: Catholic University of Louvain, 2005; Series: Bestiaires medievaux. Nouvelles perspectives sur les manuscrits et les traditions textuelles, communications presentees au xve Colloque de la Societe Internationale Renardienne (Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-2) Seen by bibliographer

The Illustrated Medieval Aviary and the Lay Brotherhood (Gesta, 21:1, 1982, page 63-74) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

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Zoology in the medieval Latin bestiary (in Man and nature in the Middle Ages, Sewanee, Tenn.: University of the South Press, 1995) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Willene B. Clark, Meradith T. McMunn

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Willene B. Clark

Four latin bestiaries and De bestiis et aliis rebus (in Baudouin Van den Abeele, ed., Bestiaires médiévaux. Nouvelles perspectives sur les manuscrits et les traditions textuelles, Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut d’études médiévales, 2005, page 49-69) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Claudian, Maurice Plantnauer, trand

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Laura Cleaver

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Laura Cleaver, Laura Morreale

Jean-Paul Clébert

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Charles De Clercq

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Grégory Clesse

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Grégory Clesse

Des textes sources au texte compilé : le portrait de l’autruche dans les compilations naturalistes des ordres mendiants au XIIIe siècle (RursuSpicae: Transmission des textes et savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge, 2020; Series: 3 (La conversation des encyclopédistes)) Seen by bibliographer

Calum Cockburn

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Singne Almestad Coe

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Luisa Cogliati Arano

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Daniel Cohen

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Esther Cohen

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Carl Cohn

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Roger L. Cole

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E. Colledge

Arthur H. Collins

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Cristina Coltelli

H. Connor

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Anna Contadini

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Albert S. Cook

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Albert S. Cook, James Hall Pitman

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J. C. Cooper

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Brian P. Copenhaver

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Gala Copley

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Vittoria Dolcetti Corazza

Francesco Cordasco

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Rémy Cordonnier

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Kathleen Corrigan

The Smyrna Physiologos and eleventh-century monasticism (in Work and Worship at the Theotokos Evergetis 1050-1200, Belfast: Belfast Byzantine Enterprises (Belfast Byzantine texts and translations, 6, 2), 1997, page 201-212) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

P.-P. Corsetti

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Peter Costello

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André Côté

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Shannon Hogan Cottin-Bizonne

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Paul-Louise Couchoud, ed.

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Cornelia C. Coulter

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John Charles Cox

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Patricia Cox

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Trenchard Cox

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Susan Crane

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Roberto Crespo

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Paul P. Cret

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Grover Cronin, Jr.

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Kevin Crossley-Holland, Bruce Mitchell

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Carla Cucina

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James B. Cummins

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John Cummins

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Michael J. Curley

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Andrew Curry

Elisa Curti

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Georges Cuvier, Theodore Wells Pietsch, ed.; Abby J. Simpson, trans.

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Maria Amalia D'Aronco

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Verner Dahlerup

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Michael Dallapiazza

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Gigetta Dalli Regoli

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Gera Dambrink

Abbas Daneshvari

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Maurizi Dardano

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Masuyo Tokita Darling

Sumithra J. David

F. Hadland Davis

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John Irving Davis

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Norman Davis

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Elizabeth Dawes

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Angelo De Gubernatis

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Christopher de Hamel

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Christopher de Hamel, Lucy Freeman Sandler

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Siegfried Walter De Rachewiltz

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Elisabeth de Solms

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Annemarie de Waal Malefijt

Homo Monstrosus (Scientific American, 219:4 (October), 1968, page 113-118) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Victor Henry Debidour

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José Hendrik Declerck

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Pierre Dehaye, ed.

Carla Del Zotto Tozzoli

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Il Physiologus nella tradizione nordica (Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori in Pisa, 1990; Series: Biblioteca Scandinava di Studi, Ricerche e Testi) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Ariane Delacampagne, Christian Delacampagne

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Léopold Delisle

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Christine Deluz

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Elizabeth den Hartog

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Ferdinand Denis

Rodney Dennys

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Anthony Dent

Albert Derolez

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Lambertus qui librum fecit - een codicologische studie van de Liber Floridus-autograaf (Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek, handschrift 92) (Brussels: Paleis der Academiën, 1978; Series: Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België - Klasse der Letteren Jg.40 nr.89)) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Report on the proceedings of the Liber Floridus Colloquy, Ghent University Library, 5-6 September 1967 (Gent: Centrale Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniversiteit, 1969; Series: Mededeling, nr. 12) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Freda Derrick

Lucile Desblache

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J. Deschamps

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Nicole Deschamps, Bruno Roy, Robert Marteau

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Janine Deus

Marco Dezzi Bardeschi

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Michel Dhenin

L' "Agnus Dei" thème monétaire (in Pierre Dehaye, ed., Le bestiaire: des monnaies des sceaux et des médailles, Paris, 1974, page 163-177) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Adele Di Lorenzo

Giuseppe Di Stefano, Rose M Bidler

Locutions et editions (in J. Claude Faucon, Alain Labbe & Danielle Queruel, Miscellania Mediaevalia: Melanges offerts a Philippe Menard, France: Honore Champion, 1998, page 417-428) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

F. N. M. Diekstra

The Physiologus, the Bestiaries and Medieval Animal Lore (Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, 69:1, 1985, page 142-155) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Ilya Dines, The

Between Image and Text. Long Rubrics and Captions in Medieval Bestiaries (De Gryuter, 2016; Series: Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster) Seen by bibliographer

The Copying and Imitation of Images in Medieval Bestiaries (Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 2014; Series: 167) Seen by bibliographer

A Critical Edition of the Bestiaries of the Third Family (Hebrew University: Hebrew University, 2008) Not seen, considered reliable

The Function of Latin Bestiaries in Medieval Miscellanies (Getty Publications, 2019; Series: Book of Beasts: The Bestiary in the Medieval World) Seen by bibliographer

The Hare and its Alter Ego in the Middle Ages (Reinardus, 2004; Series: Volume 17) Seen by bibliographer

A Hitherto Unknown Bestiary – Paris, BN MS Lat. 6838B (Rivista di Studi Testuali, 2004-05; Series: 6-7) Not seen, considered reliable

Medieval Latin Bestiaries (The Encyclopedia of British Medieval Literature, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Seen by bibliographer

Medieval Manuscripts at the Library of Congress (Washington: Library of Congress, 2016) Seen by bibliographer

Mnemonic verses concerning animals and birds in Cambridge University Library, Ms Oo. Vii.4 (Reinardus Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 2020) Seen by bibliographer

Mnemonic Verses in Medieval Bestiaries (Reinardus, 2010; Series: Volume 22) Seen by bibliographer

The Problem of the Transitional Family of Bestiaries (Reinardus, 2012; Series: Volume 24) Seen by bibliographer

Producing the Bestiary: From Text to Image (Revista Medievalista, 2021; Series: Vol. 29) Seen by bibliographer

Laurinda S. Dixon

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Vittoria Dolcetti Corazza

Il fisiologo nella tradizione letteraria germanica (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'orso, 1992; Series: Bibliotheca germanica; Studi e testi 2) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Mary Donatus

Lukas J. Dorfbauer

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Anna Dorofeeva

Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages (Arc Humanities Press, 2023) Seen by bibliographer

siren: a medieval identity crisis (Mittelalter. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, 2014) Seen by bibliographer

Sébastien Douchet

La peau de centaure à la frontière de l'humanité et de l'animalité (Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali. Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies, 13, 2005, page 285-312) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Norman Douglas

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Isabelle Draelants

Aristote, Pline, Thomas de Cantimpré et Albert le Grand, entomologistes? Identifier chenilles, papillons et vers à soie parmi les ‘vermes’ (British School at Athens, 2016; Series: Animals in Ancient and Medieval cultures and societies. Topics and methodological issues) Seen by bibliographer

Arnold de Saxe (Atelier Vincent de Beauvais, 2016; Series: March 17, 2016) Seen by bibliographer

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Bartholomeus Anglicus – Bartholomew the Englishman (Routlege, 2021; Series: Routlege Medieval Encyclopedia Online) Seen by bibliographer

Un encyclopédiste méconnu du XIIIe siècle : Arnold de Saxe (Université catholique de Louvain, 2000) Seen by bibliographer

Introduction à l'étude d'Arnoldus Saxo et aux sources du De floribus rerum naturalium (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2002; Series: Die Enzyklopädie im Wandel vom Hochmittelalter bis zur frühen Neuzeit. Akten des Kolloquiums des Projekts D im SFB 231 (29.11.-01.12.1996), 78) Seen by bibliographer

Une mise au point sur les oeuvres d’Arnold de Saxe (Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 1993, 1994; Series: 34, 35) Seen by bibliographer

Sources des Encyclopédies Medievalese (SourcEncyMe) (L’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, 2008) Seen by bibliographer

La transmission du De animalibus d’Aristote dans le De floribus rerum naturalium d’Arnoldus Saxo (Leuven University Press, 1999; Series: Aristotle’s Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Series I, Studia XXVII) Seen by bibliographer

Isabelle Draelants, Arnaud Zucker

La conversation des encyclopédistes (RursuSpicae, 2020; Series: 3) Seen by bibliographer

Clarck Drieshen

Animals on coats of arms (London: British Library, Medieval manuscripts blog, 2020; Series: 21 January 2020) Seen by bibliographer

The Flower of Nature (London: British Library, Medieval manuscripts blog, 2017; Series: 10 February 2017) Seen by bibliographer

Knight v griffin (London: British Library, Medieval manuscripts blog, 2019; Series: 27 December 2019) Seen by bibliographer

Erik Drigsdahl

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G. R. Driver

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Michael D. C. Drout

George C. Druce

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Amimals in Medieval Scupture (Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1917; Series: 20) Seen by bibliographer

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Animals in English wood carvings (Walpole Society, London (Annual Volume of the Walpole Society), 3, 1913-14, page 57-73) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

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Chest at Chippenham Church (Wilts) (Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 31, 1925, page 230-236) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

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R. W. Drury, S. S. Drury

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Jacques Duchaussoy

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Gaston Duchet-Suchaux, Michel Pastoureau

Joëlle Ducos

Christopher John Duffin

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Lynn Felicia Dufield-Landry

A Stylistic and Contextual Study of the Old English 'Physiologus' (Louisiana: University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1993) Seen by bibliographer [Dissertation]

Jean Dufournet

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Liliane Dulac

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Louisa DeSaussure Duls

Françoise Dumas

D.N. Dumville

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Edwin Duncan

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Thomas S. Duncan

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Andrew Dunning

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N. H. Dupree

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Marie-France Dupuis, Sylvain Louis

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Klaus Duwel

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Chet Van Duzer, Ilya Dines

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Bobbi Dykema

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Adolf Ebert

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T. R. Eckenrode

Umberto Eco, Chiara Frugoni

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Joseph Edkins

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A. S. G. Edwards

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Jacques Elfass, ed., Bernard Ribémont, ed.

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Juan Juliía Elías

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Thomas J. Elliott

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Paul Eluard, Roger Chastel

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O. J. Emory

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J. Engels

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S. P. N. Epiphanii, Episcopi Constantiæ Cypri, ad Physiologum (in Jacques-Paul Migne, ed., Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, volume 43, Paris, 1864, page columns 517-534) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Steven A. Epstein

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Alain Erlande-Brandenburg

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Adolf Erman

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Josep Perarnau Espelt

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Carolin Esser-Miles

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E. P. Evans

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Joan Evans

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Oliver Evans

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Ludmilla. Evdokimova

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Irène Fabry-Tehranchi, ed., Anna Russakoff, ed.

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Fairmont State University

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Carl Fant

Dora Faraci

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The Gleða Chapter in the Old Icelandic Physiologus (in Opuscula, IX, Copenhagen: Reitzel: Bibliotheca Arnamagnaeana, 1991, page 108-126) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

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Edmond Faral

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Jack Farley

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Alessandro Faro

Claude Faucheux

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Jean-Claude Faucon

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Robert Favreau

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Gisela Febel, ed., Georg Maag, ed.

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Johanna Feenstra

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The Cat in the Medieval Bestiary (Parts 1 & 2) (Netherlands: Acedemic Cat Lady blog, 2019) Seen by bibliographer

Halloween: Black Cats and Witches in Medieval Times (Netherlands: Academic Cat Lady blog, 2017) Seen by bibliographer

Puss in Books: Cats in Medieval Manuscripts (Parts 1 & 2) (Netherlands: Academic Cat Lady blog, 2017) Seen by bibliographer

Hugh Feiss, Ronald E. Pepin

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Stefan Fellner

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Kristen M. Figg

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Adam Fijalkowski

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Hermann Fischer, Die

Jonathan Fisher

Gil Fishhof

Mary C. Fitzpatrick

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Fitzwilliam Museum

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J. F. Flinn

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Littérature bourgeoise et le Roman de Renart (in Aspects of the Medieval Animal Epic, Louvain: Leuvan University Press, 1975, page 11-24) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Nona C. Flores, ed.

Animals in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996; Series: Garland Medieval Casebooks 13) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Elephants (in John Block Friedman & Kristen Mossler Figg, ed., Trade, Travel and Exploration in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia, New York: Garland Press, 2000, page 175-178) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Thomas R Forbes

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Ilene H. Forsyth

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Catherine Fountain

From a Catalan Bestiary De la natura de la cerena (Cornell Working Papers in Linguistics (CWPL), Fall; 17, 1999, page 10-13) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Jean Fournée

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Georce Bingham Fowler

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George Bingham Fowler

José Manuel Fradejas Rueda

Lothar Frank

Henri Frankfort

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James George Frazer

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Margaret B. Freeman

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Roger French

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Roger French, Andrew Cunningham

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John Block Friedman

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A bonnacon’s defensive tactics in medieval natural history (Archives of Natural History, 2022; Series: Volume 49, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2000) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

The naming of the beasts: natural history in the medieval bestiary (Cambridge: Medical History, 1992; Series: 36 (3)) Seen by bibliographer

Peacocks and preachers: analytic technique in Marcus of Orvieto's Liber de moralitatibus, Vatican lat. MS 5935 (in Willene B. Clark & Meradith T. McMunn, ed., Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. The Bestiary and its Legacy, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989, page 176-196) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Thomas of Cantimpré's Animal Moralities: A Conflation of Genres (Enarratio: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest, 1998; Series: Volume 5) Seen by bibliographer

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John Block Friedman, Jessica W. Wegman

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Herbert Friedmann

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Franz Fritsche

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Markus Führer

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Naoyuki Fukumoto

Sur la Nouvelle Edition du Roman de Renart d'apres les Manuscrits du Groupe G (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 215-226) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Mariateresa Fumagalli, Massimo Parodi

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Cristina Fumarco

Il manuscritto del Liber Floridus del museo Condé di Chantilly e le sue miniature (Corso di laurea in lettere moderne, universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore-Milano, 1997-1998) Not seen, considered reliable

Paolo Galiano

Anna Gannon

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Peter F. Ganz

Der Millstatter Physiologus (in Geistliche Dichtung des 12. Jahrhunderts: Eine Textauswahl, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1960, page 47-58) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Richard Garbe

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Antonio Garrosa Resina

La tradicion de animales fantasticos medieval espanola (Castilla: Boletin del Departamento de Literatura Espanola, 9-10, 1985, page 77-101) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Milton S. Garver

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Milton S. Garver, Kenneth McKenzie

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M. Gaster

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Brian W. Gastle

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Deborah Gatewood

Patricia M. Gathercole

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Brigitte Gauvin

Brigitte Gauvin, Catherine Jacquemard, Marie-Agnes Lucas-Avenel

Kathleen Sue Gaylord

The Medieval Bestiary In The Golden Age: Allegory And Emblem In Gracian's 'El Criticon' (University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, 1986) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Demetri Gazdaru

Vestigios de bestiarios medievales en las literaturas hispanicas e iberoamericanas (Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 22, 1971, page 259-274) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Bent Gebert

Archibald Geikie

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Maurice Genevoix

Le Roman de Renard (Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1958) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Wilma B. George

The Living World of the Bestiary (Archives of Natural History, 12:1 (April), 1985, page 161-164) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

The Yale (Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 31, 1968, page 423-28) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Wilma B. George, Brunsdon Yapp

Gerald of Wales, Thomas Forester, trans.; Richard Hoare, trans; Thomas Wright, ed.

The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis (London: H. G. Hohn, 1863, 1905) Seen by bibliographer

The Topography of Ireland (Cambridge, Ontario: In parentheses Publications, 2000; Series: Medieval Latin Series) Seen by bibliographer

Gerald of Wales, John O'Meara, trans.

Christoph Gerhardt

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Mia L. Gerhardt

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Bruno Gerling

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Philippe Germond

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Willem Pieter Gerritsen

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Gervaise, Paul Meyer, ed.

Konrad Gesner

Gesner's Curious and Fantastic Beasts (Mineola, NY: Dover, 2004) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Konrad Gesner, Carol Belanger Grafton, ed.

Beasts & Animals in Decorative Woodcuts of the Renaissance (New York: Dover Publications, 1983; Series: Dover pictorial archive series) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

Jennifer Getson

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Getty Museum

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Ghent University

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Laura Gibbs

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Giulia Gilmore

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Miriam Giombini

Jost Gippert

The Georgian Tradition (Brepolis, 2021; Series: Multilingual Physiologus: Studies in the Oldest Greek Recension and its Translations) Seen by bibliographer

Physiologus. Die Verarbeitung antiker Naturmythen in einem frühchristlichen Text (Studia Iranica, Mesopotamica et Anatolica, 3, 1997-98, page 161-177) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Jost Gippert, Werner Abraham

Antoine Glaenzer

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La La tenture de la Dame à la licorne, du Bestiaires d'amours à l'ordre des tapisseries (Micrologus: Natura, scienze e societa medievali, 10, 2002, page 401-428) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Marion Glasscoe, Michael Swanton

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Abigail L. Glen

Robert James Glendinning

A critical study of the Old High German Physiologus and its influence (Winnepeg: University of Manitoba, 1959) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Stephen E. Glickman, A. Platt

Stephen O. Glosecki

Belita Goad

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Allen H. Godbey

The Unicorn in the Old Testament (The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Vol. 56, No. 3. (July), 1939, page 256-296) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Thomas James Arnold, trans.

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Edmund Goldsmid

Maximilian Goldstaub

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H. A. Guerber

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J. Hall

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Laurence Harf-Lancner

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Elizabeth den Hartog

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William O. Hassall, A. G. Hassall

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Debra Hassig

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Gerold Hayer

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Ernst Hellgardt

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Ferdinand Heller von Hellwald

Arnold Clayton Henderson

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Halldor Hermannsson

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Edward Heron-Allen

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Julianna Clarke Hesler

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B. Heuvelmans

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Elisabeth Heyse

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Carola Hicks

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Hildegard von Bingen

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Alfons Hilka

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Betty Hill

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R. H. Ernest Hill

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John-F. Hinnebusch

Norman Hinton

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Joseph Hirst

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Lasse Hodne

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Michelle C. Hoek

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Michelle S. Hoffman

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Richard Hoffmann

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Heinrich Hohna

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Sue Ellen Holbrook

Urban T. Holmes

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Ferdinand Holthausen

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Fritz Hommel

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Thomas Honegger

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Margriet Hoogvliet

Colum Hourihane, ed.

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Luuk A. J. R. Houwen

Animal Parallelism in Medieval Literature and the Bestiaries: A Preliminary Investigation (Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, 78:3 (July), 1994, page 483-496) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Animals and the Symbolic in Medieval Art and Literature (Groningen, Netherlands: Egbert Forsten, 1997; Series: Mediaevalia-Groningana, 20) Not seen, considered reliable [Book]

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Bestiaries in Wood? Misericords, Animal Imagery and the Bestiary Tradition (Turnhout: Brepolis Publishers, 2009; Series: IKON 2) Seen by bibliographer

"Breme Beres" and "Hende Hertes": Appearance And Reality in William of Palerne (in A. A. MacDonald, Loyal Letters. Studies on Mediaeval Alliterative Poetry and Prose, Groningen, 1994, page 223-238) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

The Deidis of Armorie: a Heraldic Treatise and Bestiary (Edinburgh: Scottish Text Society, 1994; Series: Scottish Text Society 4th ser., 22-23) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Dieren, dierensymboliek en dierenboeken in de Middeleeuwen (in 28:126 for 1994-1995Groniek: Historisch Tijdschrift, 1994, page 20-31) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Exemplum et Similitudo: Natural Law in the Manciple's Tale and the Squire's Tale (in Geoffrey Lester, ed., Chaucer in Perspective. Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake, Sheffield: Academic Press, 1999, page 100-117) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

Fear and Instinct in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale (in Anne Scott & Cynthia Kosso, ed., Fear and Its Representations in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, page 17-30) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

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Lions without Villainy: Moralisations in a Heraldic Bestiary (in Graham Caie, Roderick J. Lyall, Sally Mapstone, Kenneth Simpson, ed., The European Sun, Edinburgh: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Language and Literature, 2001, page 249-266) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

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Marie-Madeleine Huchet

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Johan Huizinga

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David Hunt

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Jesse Hurlbut

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Fausto Iannello

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Eleanor Jackson

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Holly James-Maddocks

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Danièle James-Raoul

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Horst Waldemar Janson

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Hans-Robert Jauss

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Claude Jean-Nesmy, ed.

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D. Newman Johnson

An unusual amphisbaena in Galway city (in Etienne Rynne, ed., Figures from the Past. Studies on Figurative Art in Christian Ireland in Honour of Helen M. Roe, Dun Laoghaire: Glendale Press, 1987, page 233-241) Not seen, considered reliable [Book article]

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M. Jones

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Valerie Jones

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Jean-Pierre Jourdan

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Ousmane Kaba

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Zoltán Kádár

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Dimitris V. Kaimakis

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Linda Kalof, ed., Brigitte Resl, ed.

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Koichi Kano

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Joanne Spencer Kantrowitz

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heodor Georg von Karajan

A. Karnejev

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M. Karniev

Alexander Kaufmann

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Sarah Kay

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Rigaut de Berbezilh, the Physiologus Theobaldi, and the opening of animal inspiration (Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 2016; Series: Volume 28, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

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Sarah Larratt Keefer

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Elizabeth Keen

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Kathleen Ann Kelly

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Alice Kemp-Welch

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Eugen Keppler

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Peter Ketsch

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Helen King

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Kenneth F. Kitchell, Irven M. Resnick

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P. R. Kitson

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Hannele Klemettilä

Naomi Reed Kline

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Francis Klingender

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Stanislaw Kobielus

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Konrad von Mure, Peter Orbán, ed.

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Aleksandra Konstantinova

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Nico Koomen

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L. Kopf

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Lesley Catherine Kordecki

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Alfred Kracher

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Alexander Krappe

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Dorothy Kraus, Henry Kraus

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Thomas Kren, Elizabeth C. Teviotdale, Adam S. Cohen, Kurtis Barstow

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Abram Krol

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Remke Kruk

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Timotheus of Gaza's On Animals in the Arabic tradition (Le Museon: Revue d'etudes orientales, 114:3-4, 2001, page 355-387) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Joseph Wood Krutch

Alfred Kubin

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Hans Kuhn

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Bianca Kühnel

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Ruth Kühner

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L. Oscar Kuhns

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Emmanuelle Kuhry

Panorama des manuscrits et nouvelles ressources pour l’étude de la tradition manuscrite du Physiologus latin (RursuSpicae: Transmission des textes et savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge, 2019; Series: 2 (Le Physiologus. Manuscrits anciens et tradition médiévale)) Seen by bibliographer

Zoological Inconsistency and Confusion in the Physiologus latinus (Routledge, 2022; Series: Fragmented Nature: Medieval Latinate Reasoning on the Natural World and Its Order) Seen by bibliographer

Vincent Labarriere

Marshall Laird

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Vincent Laloux, Philippe Cruysmans

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Lambert of Saint Omer, Albert Derolez & Egied I. Strubbe, ed.

D. Lambrecht

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J. P. N. Land

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Charles Victor Langlois

Ernest Langlois

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Arn Van Lantschoot

Fragments syriaques du Physiologus (Le Muséon, 1959; Series: 72) Not seen, considered reliable

A propos du Physiologus (Coptic Studies in Honor of Walter Ewing Crum, Byzantine Institute Bulletin, No. 2, 1950, page 339-363) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Brunetto Latini, Spurgeon Baldwin, ed.

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Brunetto Latini, Guido Battelli, ed.

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Brunetto Latini, Francis J. Carmody, ed.

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Brunetto Latini, Polycarpe Chabaille, ed.

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Brunetto Latini, Curt J. Wittlin, ed.

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Friedrich Lauchert

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Geschichte der Physiologus mit zwei Textbeilagen (Strassburg: K.J. Trubner, 1889) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

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Laurence Gosserez, ed.

M. Laurent

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Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

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E. Lauzi

Yves Lavalade

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Frederica Law-Turner

Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence

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Stavros Lazaris

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Milorad Lazic, Ljubomir Kotarcic

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Diane O. le Berrurier

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Victor le Clerc

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Jacques Le Goff

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Elizabeth Eva Leach

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Elizabeth Eva Leach, Jonathan Morton

M.D. Leclerc

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Françoise Lecocq

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Cornix, ceruus, coruus, phoenix. Échos grecs et latins du fragment hésiodique sur les animaux à longue vie (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2023; Series: Les jeux sur les mots, les lettres et les sons dans les textes latins) Seen by bibliographer

Deux faces du phénix impérial : Trajan et Hadrien sur l'aureus de 117/118 ap. J.C. (Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2020; Series: Mémoires de Trajan, mémoires d’Hadrien) Seen by bibliographer

Deux oiseaux solaires en un : le coq, le phénix et l’héliodrome (Presses universitaires de Caen, 2019; Series: Inter litteras et scientias. Recueil d'études en hommage à Catherine Jacquemard) Seen by bibliographer

The Flight of the Phoenix to Paradise in Ancient Literature and Iconography (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019; Series: Animal Kingdom of Heaven. Anthropozoological Aspects of the Late Antique World (Millennium Studien 80)) Seen by bibliographer

Herodotus' Phoenix between Hesiod and Papyrus Harris 500, and its Legacy in Tacitus (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022; Series: Myth and History: Close Encounters) Seen by bibliographer

Les réinterprétations textuelles et iconographiques des attributs du phénix, de l'Égypte à Rome (Les Ulis, EDP Sciences, 2020; Series: Images sources de textes, textes sources d'images) Seen by bibliographer

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Claude Lecouteux

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Freddy Ledegang

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Ann Donovan Lee

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Sylvie Lefèvre

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Y. Lefevre

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Ernst Lehner, Johanna Lehner

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Helga Lengenfelder

Yvan G. Lepage

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Douglas R. Letson

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Malcolm Letts

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Liam Lewis

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Bohdana Librová

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Magdalena Lichtenwagner

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Juris Lidaka

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Gerard Isaac Lieftinck

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M. F. Lindemans

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Lauri Lindgren

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Philip Line

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Nathaniel Lloyd

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Ramon Llull

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Ramon Llull, Agnès Bosch

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Ramon Llull, Patrick Gifreu

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Llull, Ramon, Manueal Llanas, ed.

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Ramon Llull, Jordi Rubió & Armand Llinarès, ed.

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Ermanno Loescher

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Le Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré dans le Speculum maius de Vincent de Beauvais : bilan des emprunts, version utilisée et sources concurrentes (RursuSpicae: Transmission des textes et savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge, 2020; Series: 3 (La conversation des encyclopédistes)) Seen by bibliographer

Hilda Orquídea Hartmann Lontra

O Livro das aves -- uma contribuiçao para o conhecimento da literatura portuguesa medieval (Oxford: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, 1998; Series: Actas do Quinto Congresso [Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas], Universidad de Oxford) Not seen, considered reliable

R. L. H. Lops

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Coleman Loren, Jerome Clark

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Adele Di Lorenzo

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G. Lozinski

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Lucan, H T Riley, trans

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Christopher Lucken

Amours, suites et fins. Le «Bestiaire d'Amours» à la frontière du discours amoureux dans la tradition manuscrite (Medioevi: Revista di letterature e culture medievali, 2019; Series: Number 5) Seen by bibliographer

Du ban du coq à l'Ariereban de l'âne (A propos du Bestiaire d'Amour de Richard de Fournival) (Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Volume 5, Issue 1, 1992, page 109-124) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

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Lucretius Carus, Ronald E. Lathan, trans.

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Willy Lüdtke

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Néstor Alberto Lugones

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Peter Lum

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Jean Lurçat

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Sutherland Lyall

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Marie-Madeleine MacAry

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Leslie S B. MacCoull

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Caroline Macé

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Caroline Macé, ed., Jost Gippert, ed.

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Loren MacKinney

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Margarida Madureira

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Erich Mahn

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Angelo Mai

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Ignacio Malaxecheverría

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Elements pour une Histoire Poetique du Catoblepas (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Societe Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 345-353) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Notes sur le pélican au Moyen Age (Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature, 63:4, 1979, page 491-497) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

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Aylin Malcolm

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Mats Malm

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Pierre Malrieu

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Franco Mancini

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John Mandeville, Paul Hamelius, ed.

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John Mandeville, George F. Warner, ed.

Arthur Mangin

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Sandra Mangoubi

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Max Manitius

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Jill Mann

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Max Friedrich Mann

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Der Bestiaire Divin des Guillaume le Clerc (Frazösische Studien, VI Band, 2 Heft, 1888, page 37-73) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Der Physiologus des Philipp von Thaün und seine Quellen (Anglia: journal of English philology, Volume 7 / Volume 9, 1884 / 1886, page V7: 420-468 / V9: 391-434) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Elizabeth Manwell

James W. Marchand

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The Partridge? An Old English Multiquote (Neophililogus, October; 75 (4), 1991, page 603-611) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Two Notes on the Old Icelandic Physiologus Manuscript (Modern Language Notes, 91:3 (April), 1976, page 501-505) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Xosé Ramón Mariño Ferro

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Nikolai Akovlevich Marr

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Susan Marti

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Maria Cristina da Silva Martins

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Mário Martins

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Josy Marty-Dufaut

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Llúcia Martín

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Susanne Marx

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François Masai

Francesco Maspero

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James L. Matterer

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Angela Mattiacci

Friedrich Maurer

Jean Maurice

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L'image du Phénix dans les bestiaires moralisés français des XIIe et XIIIe siècles (Bern: Peter Lang, 2000; Series: in Phénix: mythe(s) et signe(s). Actes du colloque international de Caen (12-14 octobre 2000)) Not seen, considered reliable

Alfons Mayer, ed.

Der Waldensische Physiologus (in Romanische Forschungea Organ für Romanische Sprachen Und Mittellatein (Festschrift Konrad Hofmann zum 70sten Geburtstag), Erlang: Andr. Deicher'sch Verlagsbuchhandlug, 1890, page 392-418) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

Adrienne Mayor

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Guardians of the Gold (Archeology, Volume 47, number 8, 1994, page 52-59) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Jean-Claude Mayor

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G. Mazzatinti, E. Monaci

C. Mazzi

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Heather McAlpine

Henrietta McCall

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J. H. McCash

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Florence McCulloch

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The Dying Swan - A Misunderstanding (Modern Language Notes, 74:4 (April), 1959, page 289-292) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

The Funeral of Renart the Fox in a Walters Book of Hours (Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, Vol. 25-26, 1962-1963, page 9-29) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1962; Series: Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 33) Seen by bibliographer [Book]

Mermecolion - A Medieval Latin Word for 'Pearl Oyster' (Medieval Studies (Pontifical Institute), 27, 1965, page 331-334) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

The Metamorphosis of the Asp in Latin and French Bestiaries (Studies in Philology, 56, 1959, page 7-14) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

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Le Tigre et le mirror - La vie d'une image, de Pline à Pierre Gringoire (Revue des Sciences Humaines, 33, 1968, page 149-160) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

The Waldensian Bestiary and the Libellus de Natura Animalium (Medievalia et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture, 15, 1963, page 15-30) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

L'éale et la centicore: deux bêtes fabuleuses (Poitiers: Société d'études médiévales, 1966; Series: Mélanges offerts à René Crozet à l'occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire par ses amis, v. 2) Not seen, reliability unknown

M. V. McDonald

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Brian McFadden

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Deborah Joan McFarland

Animal Lore and Medieval English Sermon Style (Florida State University, 1980) Not seen, considered reliable [Dissertation]

Donald McGrady

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P. McGurk, ed.

Kenneth McKenzie

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Unpublished Manuscripts of Italian Bestiaries (Publications of the Modern Language Association, XX, 1905, page 380-433) Seen by bibliographer [Journal article]

Anne McLaughlin

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A. Joseph McMullen, Georgia Henley

Meradith T. McMunn

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James I. McNelis, III

Audrey Meaney

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Christina Meckelnborg, Bernd Schneider

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Konrad von Megenberg

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Konrad von Megenberg, Robert Luff & Georg Steer, ed.

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Edgar Papp

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Jm Pastré

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Kaushik Patowary

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Anne Paulus, Baudouin van den Abeele

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Antonio Quacquarelli

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Maria Pia Ratti

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John Pierrepont Rice

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Richard de Fournival

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Richard de Fournival, Gabriel Bianciotto

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Richard de Fournival, Cesare Segre, ed.

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Richard de Fournival, Francesco Zambon, ed.

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Margaret Rickert

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Pierre Ripert

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Gisela Ripoll Lopez

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Claude Ritschard, ed.

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Mary E. Robbins

Lawrence D. Roberts

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P. Ansell Robin

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Margaret W. Robinson

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Pamela R. Robinson

Cécile Rochelois Le Cornec

Maria Jose Rodilla

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Louis Rodrigues

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Bernd Roling, Julia Weitbrecht

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Anne Rooney

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Sylvie de Roquefeuil

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William Rose, W. T. S. Stallybrass, James Carlill

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Roger Rosewell

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Julia van Rosmalen

Bruce Ross

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Carlo Conti Rossini

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Gertrud Roth-Bojadzhiev

Dirk U. Rottzoll

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E. Clive Rouse, Kenneth Varty

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The Relationship of St. Basil's Hexameron to the Physiologus (in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 489-498) Seen by bibliographer [Book article]

T.H. White and the Notebooks of George C. Druce (The Serif, 8 (3), 1971, page 7-10) Not seen, considered reliable [Journal article]

Brun Roy

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Johannes Junge Ruhland

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Pamela S. Rups

Josiah C. Russell

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S. Rypins, ed.

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Elena Sada

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Paul Saenger

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George Saintsbury

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Joyce E. Salisbury

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David Salter

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Michel Salvat

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Aydin Sami

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Sven Sandqvist, ed.

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Donald B. Sands

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Eva Matthews Sanford

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Danièle Sansy

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Amelia Borrego Sargent

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Omar Sarrás

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George Sarton

Voichita-Maria Sasu

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Fatima Maria Scevola Nidasio

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C. Scheffler

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Horst Schneider

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Fritz O. Schuppisser

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Alan Scott

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Jason Scully

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Santiago Sebastian

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Hana Šedinová

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The Influence of Egyptian Culture on the Description and Interpretation of the Hoopoe in the Physiologus (Listy filologické / Folia philologica, 2013; Series: Volume 136, number 1/2) Seen by bibliographer

The Lamia and Aristotle's Beaver: The Consequences of a Mistranscription (Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 2016; Series: Volume 79) Seen by bibliographer

Mirabilia or terribilia? Symbolism of sea monsters in the Middle Ages (Listy filologické / Folia philologica, 2006; Series: Volume 129, number 1/2) Seen by bibliographer

Otto Seel

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Cesare Segre

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Francesca Selcioni

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Remco Sleiderink

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An Smets

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An Smets, Baudouin van den Abeele

C. Smith

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A. G. Solalinde

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Peat Solheid, Mike Jackson

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Élisabeth de Solms

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Helen Solterer

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Paul Sorrell

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Malcolm South

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Reinier Michiel Speelman

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David A. Sprunger

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Harvey Stahl

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Peter Stahl

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Emil Stange

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Anne Rudloff Stanton

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Carlos Steel, ed., Guy Guldentops & Pieter Beullens, ed.

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Robert Steele

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Francis W. Steer

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Georg Steer, ed.

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Christine Stephan-Kaissis

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Richard Stettiner

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Patricia Stewart

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Jacques Stiennon

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Brian Stone

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Melvi Storm

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Debra L. Stoudt

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Ana Stoykova

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The Pseudo-Basilian Recension of the Physiologus in the Slavic Manuscript Tradition (Kirilo-Metodievski Scientific Center at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022; Series: Palaeobulgarica / Starobulgaristica, Issue 4) Seen by bibliographer

Richard E. Strassberg

Marco Stroppa

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The Physiologus and the Greek Papyri: Animals in comparison (Reinardus. Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 2016; Series: Volume 28, Issue 1) Seen by bibliographer

The Physiologus and the Papyri from Egypt (Berlin: De Gruyer, 2020; Series: Christus in natura: Quellen, Hermeneutik und Rezeption des Physiologus) Seen by bibliographer

A. Strubel

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Josef Strzygowski

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Richard K. Stucky

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Alin Suciu

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Léopold Sudre

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Elmer G. Suhr

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Luke Sunderland

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Alain-Julien Surdel

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Alison Syme

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Julia C. Szirmai, Reinier Lops

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Joseph Szovérffy

Jose M. Gomez Tabanera

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Werner Telesko

Patricia Ann Terry, trans.

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Marie-Helene Tesniere

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Marie-Helene Tesniere, Thierry Delcourt

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Thomas of Cantimpré

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Tomas Zahora

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P. Zambon

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Francesco Zambrini

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Arne Zettersten

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Jan M. Ziolkowski

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Conway Zirkle

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S. Zuckerman

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