Bibliography Detail
The Historie of the World. Commonly called, The Naturall Historie Of C. Plinius Secundus, Translated into English by Philemon Holland
James Eason
A transcription of the 1601 printed edition of Philemon Holland's translation of Natural History.
"The text is entered from the 1601 edition. Spelling, punctuation and orthography in general are follow that text, with a few exceptions... Holland uses the chapter numbers of the editions of his day, of course: they may, or they may not, correspond to the Latin text in front of you. ... If you're using Holland as a crib, by the way, I'd advise great caution, as his translation ocasionally dilates upon certain subjects, amusingly but sometimes unwarrantably, and his numbers are a morass of problems. All this besides his use of the standard editions of his day, which are not (to repeat tediously) at all necessarily the same readings as those of, say, Mayhoff." - James Eason
Language: English
Last update December 6, 2021