Bibliography Detail
Der angelsächsische Physiologus
Anglia: journal of English philology, 6, 1883, page 241-247
The skeleton of an Anglo-Saxon Physiologus that has been preserved to us has not yet been examined in more detail. And yet it invites us to ask many questions, the answers to which will also be important for the history of Physiologus in general, which is still to be written! The first question is: Are we dealing with individual fragments of an Anglo-Saxon Physiologus, or with a skeleton, i.e. Do the three pieces (panther, whale, bird) belong together in the same order and do they therefore form a single fragment? How easy it is to see from the beginning of the first and therefore already noticed by others? This Physiologus begins with the Panther, and since there are no gaps between the second and third parts in the single manuscript, so there is no reason to assume that these two pieces do not follow one another after the first. This will also be fully confirmed in the following investigation. - [Author]
Language: German
Last update April 22, 2024