Bibliography Detail
Bestiari medievali
Torino: G. Einaudi, 1996; Series: I millenni
Latin, Old French and Italian texts with Italian translations and commentary. Il Fisiologo latino : versio BIs. Il Bestiaire di Philippe de Thaun. Il Bestiaire di Gervaise. Il Bestiaire d'amours di Richard de Fournival. Il Libro della natura degli animali. Il Bestiario moralizzato.
The works collected here represent the fundamental elements of the fascinating, thick and heterogeneous literature of the bestiaries, as well as of its evolution and fortune: the most influential Latin translation of Physiologus , the crystallization of traditional data in the first French popularization, the passage from the "divine" bestiary to the amorous one in the original erotic application implemented by Richart de Fournival, and finally the Italian production, characterized by a notable variety of content and form, which sometimes it borders ( Mare amoroso , Acerba ) on the dissolution of the "genre" and the simple reuse of "physiological" materials, an inexhaustible repertoire of images and emblems for literature and art. - [Publisher]
Language: Italian
ISBN: 88-06-12446-3; LC: PN56.A64; OCLC: 35863866
Last update March 11, 2024