Bibliography Detail
Srednevekovyi Bestiarii
Moscow: Izd-vo "Iskusstvo", 1984
Full color facsimile of the manuscript (Gosudarstvennaia publichnaia biblioteka imeni M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina, Lat. Q.v.V.I) in Latin, Old French poems in Russian. Commentary in English and Russian in double columns.
"Avtor stat'i i kommentariev Kseniia Muratova ; perevod na angliiskii iazyk Inny Kitrosskoi; perevod starofrantsuzskikh stikhov Vladimira Mikushevicha = The Medieval Bestiary / text and commentaries by Xenia Muratova; translated by Inna Kitrosskaya; Russian version of the old French poems by Vladimir Mikuschevich." Prefatory matter and commentary in English and Russian.
242 p., 88 leaves, illustrations (some color), bibliography.
Language: Latin / Russian
LCCN: 85138321; LC: PA8275.B41984; OCLC: 21740099
Last update December 6, 2021