Bibliography Detail
Anonymous Neveleti
A. E. Wright, 1994
...the first six texts of the Aesop commonly known as the Anonymus Neveleti, an English collection composed in the late twelfth century, used in schools throughout Europe well into the sixteenth century. The text has been edited a half dozen times in the last 150 years; this is the text of what remains, faute de mieux, the editio citanda: Lyoner Yzopet: Altfranzosische Ubersetzung des XIII. Jahrhunderts in der Mundart der Franche-Comte, mit dem kritischen Text des lateinischen Originals (sog. Anonymus Neveleti), zum ersten Mal herausgegeben von Wendelin Foerster. Altfranzosische Bibliothek, 5. Heilbronn: Henninger, 1882. I typed it, not scanned it, so I may have added to the errors already present in Foerster. - [Author]
Language: English / Latin
Last update November 4, 2023