Bibliography Detail
Fictitious Beasts: a Bibliography
London: The Library Association, 1961; Series: Library Association Bibliographies, no. 1
A classified and partly annotated bibliography of mythical animals.
"This is very far from being and exhaustive bibliography of the whole subject of fictitious beasts. ... It is restricted to European beliefs, which form a more or less homogeneous body of myths, legends and stories as distinct from those of the other continents... The bibliography is confined to printed books, and to the English view of the subject from the earliest times to the present day: manuscripts and foreign-language material is excluded. ...The definition of fictitious beasts used here limits them to animals (and birds, fishes, etc.) in a physical form that does not exist in nature." - introduction
76 pp., illustrations, index.
Language: English
LCCN: 67124667; LC: Z5983.A6R6; DDC: 016.3984/69; OCLC: 14603252
Last update December 6, 2021