Bibliography Detail
De rerum naturis : Cod. Casin. 132, Archivio dell'Abbazia di Montecassino
Turino: Priuli & Verlucca, 1994
Full-color facsimile of 11th-century manuscript (Archivio dell'Abbazia, Montecassino, MS 132) of De rerum naturis or De universo of Hrabanus Mauris, the oldest illustrated version extant, produced at Montecassino for Abbot Theobald. Commentary volume edited by Guglielmo Cavallo. Text in Latin, commentary in Italian; accompanied by summary in English (47 p.). Limited edition of 500 Arabic numbered copies.
Volume 1: 530 p., color illustrations (facsimile); Volume 2: commentary, 215 p., bibliography; Volume 3: 47p., English commentary.
Language: Italian / Latin
LC: ND3399.H79; OCLC: 54256169
Last update May 12, 2023