Bibliography Detail
Bestiari ed erbari dal manoscritto alla stampa
in Henri Zerner, ed., Le stampe e la diffusione delle immagini e degli stili, Bologna: CLUEB, 1983, page 17-22
Uses as models the illustrations of some herbals and bestiaries from the 13th century to the 16th century (Theriaca, MS arabe 2964, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; herbal, Cod. Pal. 586, Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence; MS it. 1108, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; Herbarium of Apuleius, incun. 794, Biblioteca Marciana, Venice; and herbal, Passau 1486, incun. 915, Biblioteca Marciana, Venice) to test the hypothesis that images played an important role in linking various cultures through the centuries.
Comite international d'histoire de l'art. Atti del XXIV Congresso internazionale di storia dell'arte, 8.
Language: Italian
Last update December 6, 2021