Bibliography Detail
Sulle piastrelle in terracotta della chiesa di Anglona
in Santa Maria di Anglona : atti del convegno internazionale di studio promosso dall'Università degli studi della Basilicata in occasione del decennale della sua istituzione, Galatina: Congedo, 1996, page 119-120
Examines the decorative motifs (i.e., stag swallowing a snake; S. George and the dragon; lion, fish, siren, etc.) stamped on the terra cotta wall tiles at the church of S. Maria d'Anglona, Anglona. Focuses on the image of the deer swallowing a snake, tracing it in Greek and Italo-Greek manuscript illuminations (11th-16th cs.) of the Physiologus, and in Islamic tiles (13th-14th cs.). Notes that in the Physiologus it is interpreted as an allegory of Christ's victory over Satan.
Conference held Potenza-Anglona, 13-15 giugno 1991.
Language: Italian
Last update May 12, 2023