Bibliography Detail
Et l'homme donna des noms aux oiseaux du ciel: les différentes espèces de faucons chez Albert le Grand et ses traducteurs français
in Jose Manuel Fradejas Rueda, ed., La caza en la Edad Media (Estudios y ediciones 3), Tordesillas: Instituto de Estudios de Iberoámerica y Portugal, Seminario de Filología Medieval, Universidad de Valladolid, 2002, page 177-191
The central part in Albert the Great's De falconibus is the catalog of seventeen species of falcons that the Dominican distinguishes. Some of them are well known, such as the gyrfalco, for others identification poses more problems (eg falco gibbosus). This contribution examines the naming system of Albert the Great and how French translators rendered these sometimes rather problematic names into the vernacular. - [Author]
Language: French
Last update November 23, 2023