Bibliography Detail
Animal's Representations in an Italian Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century
in Gabriel Bianciotto & Michel Salvat, ed., Épopée Animale, Fable, Fabliau: Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984, page 449-468
An analysis of a section of the text of the "Vita Christi", which includes a list and stories of the real and fabulous animals which supposedly accompanied the family of Jesus on their escape into Egypt, as found in manscript 280 of the Fondo Canoniciano Italiano in the Bodleian Library. The text analyzed is: "Concurrunt ad Jesum onagri, leones, / Ursi, pardi, tygrides, maury comoriones, / Unicornes, lamie, linces, elefantes, / Onocentauri, simie, vulpes et durantes, / Hyene, lupi, migale, pilosus et panthere." These animals are grouped into three categories: those found in the Bible, those found in common animal treateses of the time, and mythical and fabulous beasts. The animals are described and the text is compared to that in other manuscripts. Illustrations from the Vita Christi manuscripts are included.
Language: English
Last update December 10, 2021