Bibliography Detail
Chimere divine: storia del Fisiologo tra mondo latino e slavo
Bologna: Clueb Casa Editrice, 2001; Series: Heuresis III; Strumenti 21
The Russian text of the Physiologus, taken directly from the manuscript of the early sixteenth century [State Historical Museum (Moscow), Carskij 371] and presented here after a patient computer restoration, provides the opportunity to go back to the Greek sources of the first centuries of the Christian era and to retrace the history of the countless transpositions and reinterpretations widespread in the West (the various medieval bestiaries), in Slavia and in other parts of the world. Lorena Mirandola accompanies the reader on this fascinating journey, explaining with clarity and simplicity the meaning and function of the stories of real and fantastic creatures contained in the ancient book and making the various facets of the popular mentality of the Middle Ages re-emerge from the past. - [Publisher]
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-88-491-1799-8; DDC: 883.01; OCLC: 49547343
Last update March 22, 2024