Bibliography Detail
Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages
London: Penguin Books, 1954; Series: The Pelican History of Art
A survey of painting in Britain during the Middle Ages. The emphasis on manuscript painting, but glass, wall painting and textiles are also covered. Rickert discusses the historical background and styles of the periods: Hiberno-Saxon art in the seventh, eighth and ninth centuries; Anglo-Saxon art from the late ninth to the the middle of the eleventh century; Early Romanesque art (1050-circa 1110); Romanesque art of the twelfth century; The thirteenth century; The East Anglian period; The international style in England (1350-1425); The end of the Middle Ages in England. There are many references to bestiary and related manuscripts.
253 pp. of text, 192 pp. of black & white plates, glossary, bibliography, annotated list of plates, general index, index of manuscripts.
Language: English
LC: ND463.R5
Last update December 6, 2021