Bibliography Detail
Bodley Herbal and Bestiary: MS. Bodley 130
Oxford: Oxford Microform Publications, 1978; Series: Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts in Microform Series 1; Major treasures in the Bodleian Library 8
Consists of two manuscripts bound together (MS. Bodley 130): 1. A corrupt version of a 5th century herbal falsely ascribed to Apuleius Barbarus; and, 2. An abbreviated version of Sextus Placitus' 4th century (?) De virtutibus bestiarum in arte medicinae. Both written in England about 1100. English translations of Latin names added in 13th and 14th centuries. Includes commentary and bibliographical references.
Fiche 1-3: Herbal. Fiche 3-4: Bestiary. Fiche 5a-5b: Commentary and bibliography.
ix, 3 p. ; 16 cm. & microfiche (5 sheets: color illustrtions; 11 x 15 cm.) in pockets.
Language: English
Last update May 12, 2023