Bibliography Detail
A Fourteenth Century Bestiaire d'Amour
Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 4, 1991, page 19-26
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.459, written and illuminated in northern Italy, probably Lombardy.
The manuscript to be examined here is Pierpont Morgan 459 which was written and iJluminatecd in Northern Italy, most probably in Lombardy. Because it postdates Richard de Fournival’s original Bestiatre d’amour by about one hundred years* and represents a deviant development whose archetype has been lost, it might seem of less interest than the bestiary’s more conventional derivatives. There are, however, interesting conclusions to be drawn from the modifications of a seribe who brought to his task uo knowledge of the context which produced the work and, it would seem, no knowledge of its original author. - [Author]
Language: English
0925-4757; DOI: 10.1075/rein.4.03bee
Last update May 12, 2023