Bibliography Detail
Nouvelles données sur la tradition du Liber subtilitatum d'Hildegarde de Bingen
The Journal of Medieval Latin, 1996; Series: Volume 6
Writings on medicine and natural matters constitute a special group in the vast and diverse oeuvre of Hildegard von Bingen; Hildegard's medical works are generally considered to be two in number: the Liber simplicis medicine (= LSM, known since the 16th century under the name Physica) and the Liber composite medicine (= LCM, known under the title Cause et cure, which appears in the only surviving manuscript). The discussion on the authenticity and independence of each of them remains constant among specialists. The first problem to arise is that of the singularity of these works in Hildegard's corpus. Indeed, contrary to her habit, attested for all the rest of her production, Hildegard does not present the content and form of these works as being a revelation. As for the second problem, it takes its source in Hildegard's testimony herself, who speaks of her production of medicine and natural questions as a single work, which she calls the Liber subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum. The manuscript tradition of these works does not resolve these problems; on the contrary, it makes them more complex. First of all because no copy dating back to the 11th century has reached us; then by the fact that the manuscripts which transmit these works do not contain other works of Hildegard. - [Author]
Language: French
Last update July 8, 2024