Bibliography Detail
Der Physiologus der Moskauer Synodalbibliothek
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 1894; Series: Volume 3 Issue 1
The Physiologus of the Moscow Synodal Library : A contribution to solving the question of the presentation of the Armenian and an old Latin Physiologus.
Despite a surprising number of new publications and editions, much in the strange history of Physiologus remains uncertain. So we miss a conclusive clarification on the question of how the Armenian and a certain edition of the Latin Physiologus came into being and was originally published. I want to deal exclusively with the solution to this question here. First of all, however, I would like to make a few orienting comments about the genealogical relationships of the individual reviews. The Physiologus versions are divided into two main groups, one oriental and one occidental. The latter primarily includes the Latin versions (along with the Romance and Germanic adaptations), but strikingly also includes an Armenian text. The comparatively oldest form of Physiologus is preserved in the texts of the Oriental group, which is represented by the Greek, Slavic, Ethiopian, the oldest Syrian and a certain Arabic version. - [Author]
Language: German
DOI: 10.1515/byzs.1894.3.1.26
Last update April 22, 2024