Bibliography Detail
Der illustrierte Physiologus in Smyrna
De Gruyter, 2009; Series: Byzantinische Zeitschrift
In the introduction to my treatment of Physiologus in Smyrna, I spoke of concerns about whether I had correctly recorded the connection between words and images in each individual case. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to examine the handwriting again, and I have preserved it in the condition in which I found it at the time. Now J. Smimov, who was able to look through the original with the text published by Karnejev in his hand, draws my attention to the fact that the current sequence of pages does not go back to the scribe of the manuscript, but to the person who bound it. In fact, I too have convinced myself how easy it is to arrange the handwriting in such a way that many of the irregularities that I had to record are eliminated. Above all, it becomes apparent that the Cosmas chapters in the Physiologus text today were only put in the wrong place by the bookbinder and that the striking shift in the order of the chapters of the Physiologus compared to the related group of manuscripts itself is due to the incorrect method of binding is clear. - [Author]
Language: German
DOI: 10.1515/byzs.1901.10.1.218
Last update February 18, 2024