Bibliography Detail
Le Physiologus grec. Volume 2. Donner à voir la nature
Micrologus Library, 2021; Series: 107
This volume is aimed at antiquists and medievalists, historians of art and science, philologists and those interested in both the history of scientific illustration and that of the relationships between man and nature in the Middle Ages and beyond. Its purpose is to study the development of visual thinking, linked to the transmission of knowledge in natural history, through an analysis of miniatures from the Greek Physiologus . After a general presentation of the illustrated codices of this ancestor of Western bestiaries, the author focuses on the manners and iconographic strategies developed by the miniaturists of the Greek manuscripts of the Physiologus to offer a view of the animals, plants and minerals discussed in this work. It thus offers an original reflection on the functions of the naturalist cycle in these manuscripts, a new definition of the perception of nature by these image makers and, finally, other identifications of certain controversial species. - [Abstract]
Language: French
Last update February 16, 2024