Bibliography Detail
Un 128e Exemplaire de L'aviarium de Hugues de Fouilloy : Bruxelles, Kbr, Ms. Ii 2313
Revista Signum, 2010; Series: Volume 11, Number 1
In 2003, Baudouin Van den Abeele added 31 new manuscripts from the Aviarium to the list established by Willene B. Clark in 1992. Since then, two other illustrated copies have been discovered, one in Seville and the other at the Royal Library from Belgium (Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, Ms. II 2313). We propose here a monographic study of the Brussels copy, including a contextualization of the manuscript within the corpus of Aviaria, which now amounts to 128 copies, followed by the exhaustive codicological notice of the manuscript, as well as the transcription of the text and accompanied translation French. - [Abstract]
Language: French
HALId: hal-01634167
Last update January 27, 2024