Bibliography Detail
De la compilation au centon. Les emprunts à Arnold de Saxe dans l’Hortus sanitatis : quels intermédiaires?
Presses universitaires de Caen, 2013; Series: Kentron
The Hortus sanitatis presents, from the edition princeps of 1491, numerous quotations relating to stones, plants and animals, attributed by a “source marker” to a certain Arnoldus. Under this nominal medieval reference, we must recognize Arnold of Saxony... What is therefore the point of devoting a particular study to the borrowings from Arnold of Saxony, since they are "publicized" by Vincent de Beauvais...First of all, to precisely illustrate this phenomenon of misleading stratigraphy specific to encyclopedic compilation: the designated source is rarely the real source; a quotation marker, author name or work, hides multiple realities and textual origins. - [Author]
Language: French
978-2-84133-486-5; DOI: 10.4000/kentron.642
Last update December 9, 2023