Bibliography Detail
Une mise au point sur les oeuvres d’Arnold de Saxe
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 1993, 1994; Series: 34, 35
Part 1: Focus on the discovery of various works produced by Arnold of Saxony in the first half of the 13th century, in addition to the De floribus rerum naturalium (an encyclopedia that was edited in 1905 by E. Stange under the name "De finibus rerum"). The discovery of a medical treatise (Practica medicine - De egrotantibus partibus omnium membrorum a capite usque ad pedes), a treatise on virtues and vices (De iudiciis virtutum et viciorum), and a small moral dialogue (Liber notabilium de consolatione Senecae) imitating the Pseudo-Senecian De remediis fortuitorum. Part 2: The first part of the article provides an overview of the manuscript witnesses and the contents of the four works that can now be attributed to Arnold of Saxony (1st half of the 13th century). The second part confronts these data with the author's own statements about his writings, and proposes an edition of the prologues of the works brought to light, with a commentated translation. - [Abstract]
Language: French
HALId: halshs-03092143; HALId: halshs-03092143; DOI: 10.1484/J.BPM.3.471
Last update December 9, 2023