Bibliography Detail
Le dialogue entre l’image et le texte dans le Physiologus de Sofia (Dujcev gr. 297) : le cas de l’echidna
RursuSpicae, 2019; Series: Volume 2
This study examines echidna [hedgehog] representations in the illustrated manuscripts of the Physiologus. In this contribution, I was specifically interested in an iconographic variant found in the Sofia Physiologus (Dujcev gr. 297). Comparison with other illustrated codices revealed certain particularities of this source, very important for our iconographic knowledge of this work. In addition, by focusing on the relationship between text and image in the various manuscripts under scrutiny and the information that can be obtained from them with regards to the identification of the echidna, I wanted to emphasize the importance of iconography. In this specific example, it helped to correct a modern identification error. It should not be forgotten that these images are a direct testimony to the way in which men and women of the past understood this or that zoonym in their era, following the explanations of the author of the work, information in other texts or even from sources that are not always obvious to us. - [Abstract]
DOI: 10.4000/rursuspicae.734
Last update September 19, 2023