Bibliography Detail
Thesaurus of names of fish and aquatic creatures
Digital Document Center, University of Caen Normandy, 2020
This thesaurus brings together the Latin names of fish and aquatic creatures appearing in the Latin texts of ancient and medieval ichthyology, as well as some Greek and vernacular names. Each name is accompanied by the precise reference of the source from which it comes. You will also find, for each appellation, one or more identification proposals, accompanied by the reference of the study in which they appear and a commentary note if necessary. Finally, links provide cross-references, either to the main form, in the case of paronymy, spelling variant or vernacular form, or to other names designating the same animal, in the case of synonymy. It is the result of collaborative work between the Digital Document division and the members of the Ichtya research group (Centre Michel de Boüard, UMR 6273, University of Caen Normandy): Marie Bisson, Pierre-Yves Buard, Thierry Buquet, Brigitte Gauvin , Anne Goloubkoff, Barbara Jacob, Catherine Jacquemard and Marie-Agnès Lucas-Avenel. It was designed alongside the Ichtya Library , which brings together Latin texts devoted to ichthyology and with which it is closely linked. It is also linked to the thesaurus developed by the GDRI Zoomathia. - [Welcome page]
Language: French
Last update September 4, 2023